Bambi Gets Antlers

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Suri's POV

It's now spring and Bambi is fully healed from the fall. Dad hasn't left he den until he was fully recovered. So our friends haven't seen Bambi's first set of antlers yet. Bambi is very proud of them. Anyway, we're on our way to meet our friends before going on patrol with dad and Oliver. Who has sort of become an apprentice to dad. Though dad knows he wants to challenge him one day to take over as prince of the forest.

We can feel all our friends together. As we draw nearer we hear Thumper telling a story. "That's how it went" he finishes and his sisters cheer for him.

"Having fun without us?" I ask teasingly.

"Look who's here" Flower says. 

"Oh, the young prince and princess" Thumper's sisters say. "Hooray, hooray" they cheer. Thumper says something quietly and Faline glares at him.

"What do you know, Bambi! Suri!" he shouts. As Bambi gets his antlers caught on a low branch covered in flowers. I giggle, he was still getting used to them.

"Well, looks like those antlers are finally coming in" Friend Owl states.

"Really? I hadn't noticed" Bambi lies.

"Yeah, it's not like you haven't been bragging about them since they came in" I tease.

"Thumper's been telling us quite a story" Faline tells us.

"Oh, which story?" I ask curious.

"Yes, yes. The one with the thousands of dogs" Friend Owl states.

"Thousands?" Bambi asks Thumper.

"What can I say? I'm a born storyteller" Thumper says sheepishly.

"I'll bet it seemed like a thousand dogs" Faline says batting her eyes at Bambi. Who backs up into Mr Porcupine. He sticks him, making Bambi kiss Faline. I laugh as Thumper's sisters awe.

"Twitterpated" Friend Owl mutters.

"What's twitterpated?" Flower and I ask him curious.

"Well, it's... I'll tell you when you're older" he tells us. Avoiding our eyes.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the young prince and princess" Ronno sneers as he appears. He glares at Bambi. "One of these days we'll meet up again, and when we do..." he falls into a small pond. After stepping onto a slippery rock, that turns out to be a turtle. Which bites him on the nose. "Oww! Get it off! Get it off! Mommy! Get it off! Mommy!" he shouts running off. We all laugh.

"See? I told you turtles were scary" Flower tells us.

"Oh we gotta get going" I tell Bambi.

"Right, dad is waiting for us" he states. Our friends say goodbye to us as we left. We find dad alone. "Where's Oliver?" Bambi asks.

"It's just us three today,  I wanted to show you both something" dad tells us.

"So where are we going today?" I ask him curious.

"We're already there" he states lifting a branch with his antlers. Bambi and I duck under it. And enter a beautiful small clearing. With a stream and butterflies.

"Wow" Bambi and I say in awe as we look up at the sun shining through the tree canopy. "I never even knew this was here" I state.

"Me neither" Bambi adds.

"This is..." dad starts to say and then takes a deep breath. "This is where I first met your guys mother" he tells us.

"Really?" we asks shocked.

"Yes, I was just about your guys age" he states.

"What were you like?" Bambi asks him as I try to memorize the clearing. Trying to imagine mum and dad here when they were our age.

 Trying to imagine mum and dad here when they were our age

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"Me? Well, let me think. Actually, I was a lot like you" dad tells him and I smile.

"Thanks for show us this dad, do you have any stories of mum?" I ask.

"I have a lot" he states.

"Will you tell us?" Bambi asks and dad nods his head. 

"For it's out of the darkness that we learn to see. And out of the silence that songs come to be And all that we dream of awaits patiently. There is life There is. There is life" the animals sing. As butterflies fly all around the small family.

We stay in the clearing a little longer, dad telling us about he and mum's first meeting. Then we continued to patrol, dad telling us some more stories about the adventures he had with mum. How he had to fight a few reveal stags for the right to be with her. As everyone wanted her to mother their fawns. But he won and it's how became the Great Prince of the Forest.

I asked him how he knew she was the one. He said he'd tell me the details when I'm older. But mainly he couldn't picture a life without her. He said he'd only let the best be with me. How any stag wanting me would have to face him first. Which is a little over protective in my opinion, but he is my dad and I am his only girl. Bambi said he'd fight any stag wanting me too. Honestly how will I be able to find love with them both around?


Picture above of young Bambi with antlers and picture in chapter of young Prince with Bambi & Suri's mother. It is time to return to the first movie. Just to be clear, a year passes between this chapter and the next.

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