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Suri's POV

I was having a wonderful dream. Mum was alive and we were all together. Bambi, mum, dad and I. In the meadow, where there were no man. But I am woken by Bambi nudging me gently. "What?" I ask tiredly. "Is dad here?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Do you hear that?" he asks. I frown and listen. I hear a voice on the wind.

"I'm here" it says.

"Mother?" Bambi asks.

"Bambi, she's gone" I tell him.

"It's me, I'm here" the voice says. Bambi hurries off following the voice.

"Bambi!" I shout and follow him. He follows the voice as I try to talk him out of it. I want mum to be alive as much as he does, but nothing can bring back the dead. We soon reach the meadow and stop at the tree line. "This isn't safe, lets go back to the den" I tell him lowly.

"Hello?" he calls softly and we hear nothing. "Maybe you're right" he says sadly. We go to leave.

"Hello. I'm here. It's me" the voice says more clearly. That is diffidently not mum. Bambi enters the meadow cautiously.

"Bambi!" I call racing after him. "This isn't safe" I tell him. "Lets go" I tell him as the voice continues to call to us. Suddenly crows appear cawing. "We need to run" I say scared. But Bambi doesn't move looking at the tree line opposite us. I follow his gaze and freeze. Seeing dogs heading our way, teeth bared. Bambi is frozen too.

"Run Bambi, Suri!" dad yells. I unfreeze and look at him. But Bambi remains frozen with fear.

"Bambi, we gotta run!" I cry trying to snap him out of it. I wasn't going to leave him behind. Dad appears and fights the dogs off. I notice something shiny in the tree line. "Dad!" I shout and he looks at it.

"Run Suri, Bambi!" he yells. I do so, but Bambi was still frozen. "Go! Now!" he shouts pushing him. Knocking Bambi back into reality and we all run for safety. As we hear a bang behind us. We don't stop until dad did. "Suri, are you ok?" he asks me concerned.

"Yeah, just shaken" I say breathing heavily.

"What were you two doing there?" he demands.

"Bambi heard something and wanted to investigate, I was against it. But I couldn't let him go alone" I state.

"But it was Mother. I heard her voice" Bambi states.

"It was one of man's tricks" dad tells him annoyed.

"I'm sorry" Bambi says.

"We both are" I state.

"What if I hadn't gotten there in time? You both could have been" he stops talking. He takes a calming breath before looking at Bambi pointedly. "When I tell you to run, you run. Never freeze like that, ever!" he orders.

"I'm sorry" Bambi says again avoiding his eyes.

"Next time listen to your sister" dad snaps. "Lets go home" he adds in a calmer tone. He leads the way. We soon reach the den and I enter first. I lay down as Bambi looks back at our dad.

"She's never coming back, is she?" Bambi asks him sadly.

"No" dad answers and left. Bambi joins me and we soon doze off to sleep. This time, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

Third Persons POV

The Great Prince reaches friend owl's tree. "Friend owl!" he calls and he flies down. "Winter is coming to an end. You should have little trouble finding a new home for Bambi and Suri" he states.

"What if no doe wants two fawns?" friend owl asks.

"Then split them up" the great prince answers. Before leaving to return to the den. Trusting friend owl to find a suitable doe to raise his son and daughter. It may take some time still, but he has no doubt that the owl will succeed.

He arrives back at the den and lays down. His back to his kids so that he can watch the entrance for any danger. Praying that Bambi will listen to his sister from now on and that he won't lose them. He couldn't let his mate down, he nearly lost them today. That can't happen again, he wouldn't allow it.


Picture above of Bambi frozen in fear.

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