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It was Thursday, the first day of their spring break. Y/n woke up in a happy mood cause it was going to fun day ahead. She happily took a shower and got dressed up.It wasn't that hot so she chose to wear pants and a "not so thick" sweater.

*Her outfit

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*Her outfit

After she got ready she went down to have her breakfast. After she was done she called her friends as they decided to watch the basketball game between her brother's team and a team from another academy (i.e Heeseung's team)

-On call with Arin-
Y/n: Yo Arin, are you guys ready?
Arin:Yeah.We'll be buying some snacks in the new cafe so meet us there ok.
Y/n: Ok. I'll be there soon. Byee

As she was heading to the new cafe, a thing fell out from a guy's bag who was walking in front of her, so she picked it up . It looked like a customized basketball keyholder. So she tried to call him but it seems he couldn't hear her since he had his headphones on. She tried to walk a bit faster to hand it to him but as she started walking to him, he got into the bus so she just kept it with her incase she find him again.

10 mins later-
She finally reached the cafe and met her friends and all four of them made their way to the basketball stadium.The match was played really well and it ended in a tie. Both the teams were happy as they were all really good friends.

After the game ended both the teams decided to have a celebration in a restaurant so they also let Y/n and her friends join them too.
When they were all hanging out in the restaurant y/n noticed something familiar. "Wasn't that guy carrying that same adidas bag this morning? " she thought to herself, so she went to ask him about it.
"Hi, did you lost your keyholder this morning?" she asked and showed him.
"Wait a min let me check" he said quite shocked cause it looked exactly like his customized keychain and yes it was his missing keychain. So he told her that it's his keychain and thanked her.

"Where did you find it actually? " He asked Y/n.
"It fell out from your bag this morning. I saw it as I was walking behind you. I called you but I guess you couldn't hear me because of the headphones. So I just kept it with me incase I find you again and here you are" She smiled
"Ohh..sorry i couldn't hear you. I was fully into the music" He nervously smiled scratching the back of his head.
Btw I'm Heeseung, Lee heeseung", he smiled and shaked her hand.
" Oh, I'm Kang Y/n.Nice to meet you".
"Are you perhaps Taehyun's lil sis? " he asked.
"Yeahh.I didn't knew you guys knew each other."she said
Heeseung continued, " Well all of us became close friends ever since we started practicing together".
As they were having the conversation, Arin suddenly called her, " Yo Y/n come on let's take some pics".So she told Heeseung, " I'll go now. It was nice meeting you, Heeseung"

Damn she has such pretty eyes✨Did I just think about her? What's wrong with me? She's looks like a nice person though...

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