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there are three things that gwendolyn thatcher is sure about in herself, it's 1. she loathes the beach, 2. she practically lives in video games, and 3. she hates jeremiah fisher.

ever since she moved to boston in the 2nd grade after her mom left, it was like he was everywhere. She bumped into him in school, at parties, the grocery store, the movies, etc. gwen wouldn't have even minded that much if he wasn't the most annoying person on the planet.

during the summer was when she got her only peace. she could just stay home all day and play her little games, and there was no chance that she would even see jeremiah.

then she found out that her totally evil stepmother decided to send her to her aunt's (whom she had never even met) house in cousins beach. which just so happens to be the place that jeremiah fisher spends every summer at.

to make things worse, even her ex is there. her two least favorite people are there with her, in what seems to be the smallest town in the world. now she has to see jeremiah every time she so much as needs a damn lollipop.

but then she started noticing the butterflies that invaded her stomach every time he touched her. then she couldn't stop staring at him if so much as smiled.

but that doesn't mean anything. she still absolutely despises him.



𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐄, jeremiah fisherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum