Chapter 1

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"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called Wei Wuxian softly, who was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.

When he didn't get an answer he started caressing his hair and called him again. This time sounded like he was whispering, he wanted to wake Wei Wuxian up because they would go back into the cloud recesses, he knew Wei Wuxian hated to get up early that's why when he woke up at 5 in the morning he got some food for them but when he arrives Wei Wuxian is still sleeping.

Lan Wangji surrenders, he just standing to get some tea when Wei Ying pulls his hand and makes him lay in the bed beside Wei Wuxian while his husband smiles widely at him. A few minutes later, Wei Wuxian leaned over and gave his husband a soft kiss on his lips.

"Good morning," Wei Wuxian said After he finished teasing his husband with a kiss while Lan Wangji just looked at him without saying anything which made Wei Wuxian pout and pushed Lan Wangji softly.

"It's been a year since we got married and you still like that you're so cold Lan er Gege." Wei Wuxian turns around and pretends to sulk at Lan Wangji The truth is he is already used to it but he's more like what Lan Wangji behavior when he was drunk because he becomes more talkative

Wei Ying still pretending mad at his husband until he felt an arm warp in his waist from behind.
Wei Ying can't help but smile widely and turn around to face his husband and pinch his husband's nose which makes Lan Wangji smile slightly.

Until now Wei Wuxian was amused when Lan Wangji smiled like that and felt proud of himself because he was the only one who made Lan Wangji smile so many times.

Lan Wangji is known as a cold and serious man, he barely talks to anyone unless it's urgent but when it comes to Wei Wuxian he can't ignore his husband and keeps talking to him.

Lan Wangji ignored Wei Wuxian's teasing and sat on the bed. After that, he held Wei Wuxian hand and guided him to sit beside him.

"Lan zhan we will go back to Gusu?" Wei Wuxian asked, his head leaning on Lan Wangji's shoulder, he looked like a flirty maiden right now who was clinging to Lan Wangji

"Mn, you want to stay a little longer?" Lan Wangji asks, It's been one month since they are still not going back to Gusu because they choose to travel and cultivate.
"No, let's come back I'm sure A-yuan and Jingyi the little brat want to see us,"

"Mn," Lan Wangji nodded and held Wei Wuxian's head.

"Lan Zhan, did you adopt A-yuan?" This is the question he wanted to ask a long time ago but it turns out he kept forgetting it and didn't ask anymore.

"No," Lan Wangji, Answer that makes Wei Wuxian sit straight and face his husband with confusion

"You didn't? I thought you were his guardian?" He asked, He still looked confused because he knew that Sizhui was the adopted son of Lan Wangji but he didn't expect that it was not true.

"Lan clan adopted Sizhui. They see me as his guardian because I'm the only one who takes care of him but I didn't adopt him officially," They stand up on the bed and walk toward the table, Lan Wangji want to tell Wei Wuxian to eat but Wei Wuxian suddenly interrupt him.

"Then you're telling me a-yuan didn't have a parent? why you didn't adopt him?" Wei Wuxian asks again, They currently sitting on the floor while the food is in front.

Lan Wangji let out a sigh before he answered "I told him that I will adopt him once someone returns and he approves," He said blankly.

"I'm that someone you want to wait right?  then we can adopt a-yuan now," Wei Ying felt touched because Lan Wangji wanted to adopt Sizhui officially when Wei Wuxian came back.

"Mn, less talk start to eat," Lan Wangji commanded, Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes at his husband before starting to eat.


"Why are you looking at us?" Jingyi glared at some disciple who was staring at them while they were walking.

"Jingyi stop asking for a fight with someone is forbidden," Sizhui tried to pull his friend because he was asking some fight the disciple staring at them.

This month is officially have their classes and some disciples from other clans attend because of Lan Clan's invitation.

"Don't stop me Sizhui You didn't notice all of them keep staring at us like we have made a mistake," Jingyi threw some annoyance, Sizhui just kept calming his friend to avoid him from causing some chaos because they were inside the Gusu.

"I apologize to my friend on behalf of the young master," Sizhui bowed his head to the Jin disciple and smiled at them.

"Why are you apologising you forget what they did to you?" Jingyi asked, But Sizhui let out a heavy sigh before he answered his friend, he tried to calm himself and always remembered what Lan Wangji told him 'Try to calm yourself when something bothers you and makes you uneasy'

Sizhui wanted to say something but he got interrupted by someone.
"Why you kid still standing here?" Wei Wuxian asks And goes in Sizhui and Jingyi's direction while Lan Wangji keeps watching his husband and the disciples talking from behind.

"Senior Wei / Madam Lan!" Sizhui and Jingyi excitedly said, They ran to Wei Wuxian and kept their lips smiling widely while the other disciple frowned and walked away.

"You're back," Jingyi said, With happiness in his voice.

"Of course this is our home haha silly and you brat why you're calling me madam Lan stop it by the way A-yuan do you miss me?" Wei Wuxian asks, Sizhui nod shyly to his senior.

"That's good, well we need to go. You two go to your class and A-yuan go to Jingshi after your class we need something to talk to you about." Wei Wuxian said, Sizhui wanted to ask but Wei Wuxian turned around and walked while Sizhui and Jingyi looked at their senior walking away.


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