Chapter Three

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There was silence for a moment. Then Alex spoke again. "But you'll pick me up, right?"

Sam remained in grim silence. The ony sound was the humming of the engine and the ticking of the blasted machine on the dashboard. Sam thought for a few moments. He and Alex had worked together for years, helping each other out countless times. But they owed each other nothing. And Sam really couldn't see why he should leave Danny to face fate, but not Alex.

And then another feeling rose up inside him, bubbling and hissing. Sam only just recognized it. It was a dark emotion, one normally associated with hate and evil. Revenge.

Revenge for the way he had practically killed Danny. Revenge for making Sam drive through Chernobyl. And revenge for changing.

Inside himself, Sam knew that it was not Alex's fault that he had changed. If it was anyone's fault, it was his own. He had been given the chance the shoot the policeman before he could shoot Elizabeth. But he hadn't taken it. And Alex had had to watch the only person he had ever loved bleed slowly into the dust.

Ahead of Sam's car, loomed a great iron striped tower. The sight of it struck fear deep into his heart. It was the one shown in all the documentaries about the tragedy. The tower above the destroyed reactor. Lowering his gase, he spotted Alex's stationary car at the foot of the building. The bright red paint glinted almost unnaturally in the dawn's light. Sam thought for a moment, then made up his mind. It was a tough decision. But it had to be made. Unconsciously, he knew his decision was selfish and fueled by revenge. But he was a criminal. Selfishness and revenge were all in a day's work for him.

Biting his lip, he drove straight past Alex's car. He was offered a glimpse of a panicky face with scared eyes. Then nothing. He was past. The giga counter, that had been ticking so fast that the noise it made was a continuous drone, began to slow down, as Sam rode awat from the building. Sam didn't look back. He didn't have to. Alex's terrified face silhouetted against the radioactive remains of reactor four would remain in his mind until the end of his life.

The radio crackled, and Alex's wobbling voice came through, shrouded in static. But Sam didn't even listen. Hardening his heart, he switched the radio off. Guilt screamed st him. But he didn't yield. He was not going back.

The rest of the journey passed almost in slow motion. Cruising down the road, Sam took in the sad remains of a dead world. Saddest of all was the school. The broken down building would be derelict for a long long time. He passes the tarmac playground, and in his mind he saw thousands of generations of kids shouting and playing joyfully. He wished he could be as free as them. But he had the blood of countless people on his hands. The guilt would haunt him forever... As would his memories of this place.

He had no worries about fuel now. He still had a fair amount left in the tank, and the ticking machine counted lazily now, as if it could hardly be bothered. Sam knew he didn't have far to go. He and Alex had memorized the maps before beginning the chase.

He drove past another famous remnant of the people who had lived here; the big wheel. Once, it's lights would have shone impressively against the stars, attracting kids and adults alike. But now it was doomed to rust. The iron girders creaked softly in the light wind. It's groans seemed to form a language of it's own, and James wondered about the many stories it could tell if it really could talk; tales of lovers, enemies and friends. But it was all gone now. All gone. Lost, in a freak accident that should never have happened. The past of Chernobyl was over. And it would have no future for a long long time.

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