Chapter Two

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Sam swung his car away from the check point, following Alex's vehicle. His heart had sunk deeper than the giant squid. The giga counter that sat on the dashboard was already ticking. The ticking forced it's way deep into Sam's mind, messing with brain. The ticking of the clock-sized machine became a countdown to him, counting down the seconds he had left to live, and stealing away time.

Sam didn't really see how they were going to get through. They were already one man down. He was going to miss Danny's nervous optimism. It had often offered relief from Alex's tight impatience.

Outside, dawn was beginning break through the shell of darkness and emerge. At last, Sam was able to see his surroundings. But he wasn't sure he wanted to. As the ticking grew more and more insistent, he stared out the window. In the semi-darkness, he could see abandoned streets, shops, and houses. He shivered. The place felt dead. The remnants of the civilisation remained in spooky preservation. But it was empty. Once, whole lives had been lead here. But it was all over. All gone. Thanks to one reactor. Reactor Four. And thanks to that one reactor, the site would remain deserted for another two thousand years. What a waste, thought Sam.

The sun was rising fast now, and the light was no longer dim. The engine underneath Sam purred like a satisfied cat. Sam wished he could smash the ticking machine and just pretend he was back breaking the bank in the good old days, before his companion got so cranky. And before he ever met Danny. Sure, Danny was nice enough, but Sam had felt responsible for him. And Sam wasn't used to feeling responsible for anyone. The feeling of guilt that had engulfed him whenever Danny had gotten himself hurt, was an unfamiliar pain. And he hadn't liked it. Sam had never wanted to play the part of Daddy. He had tried to take on the role of wise, but uncaring teacher, but the boy had easily seen through his ruse. Or not noticed it. At all.

Shaking his head to cleat it of the clutter, Sam drove on. The silent streets looked innocent, but had a macabre feel. Unnerved, Sam jumped when Alex came in over the radio.

"It looks like we have to go right past the remains of the reactor." Alex told him grimly. Sam swore under his breath. Slightly worried, he checked his fuel tank. He knew neither of them must have much more left in the tank, despite the top up back in the village.
"How much fuel do you have left?" Sam asked. Even if he did no longer like Alex, he still didn't want him to come to harm. They had worked together for more years than Sam could be bothered to remember.

There was a pause from his companion, and in that one moment, Sam recalled every single moment he had spent with Alex, from the day they had met until now. He smiled, when he remembered some of the crazy things they had done together. From raiding Fort Knox to hacking The Pentagon, they had done it all together. But Sam couldn't help but feel like this was the end of it all. After Alex's beloved girlfriend had been shot by police officers, his entire personality had changed; it was clear an end of sorts was on it's way.

"I don't know, my fuel gauge is broken, remember." he said. "Hopefully I hav enough. Where are you?"
"Passing the old flats. Where are you?" Sam asked. There was silence for a while. Then he replied.
"Coming up to the reactor. I can see the old tower." he paused, and then he was back to his irritable self. "Hurry up."
"But I think we should go slow." Sam injected. In his mind's eye, he could see Alex rolling his eyes.
"How," he muttered angrily. "Would that help? It'll just expose us to more radiation."
"Yes, but going fast, we're more likely to run out of fuel." Sam pointed out. But Alex ignored him.
"Get a move on is all I'm saying." he cut in.

There was silence again, apart for the low music of the engine, and the ticking of the giga counter. Sam decided to ignore Alex's attempts to hurry him; if they ran out of petrol here then it was unlikely they would ever get through. Not alive, anyway.

"Where are you?" Alex yelled a few minutes later, annoyance in his voice. "I told you to try and catch up ages ago, and..." he trailed off into silence. "Shit." he said, groaning. "I'm out..."

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