Priscilla sighed, then softly spoke. "It's about the accident. I'm still sitting in class, but instead of Ali being there, I'm all alone. That's just one of them."

"Sweetheart, as real as they may seem, they're just dreams. After my son, Joshua, Bobby's father passed away, I had the most haunting dreams. But I learned to tell myself, they're just dreams. You'll learn to tell yourself that as well. It will take sometime." Nettie reassured. "Now tell me, how are your aunts and uncles? I have spoken to them on the phone, but it's been a while since I've seen them."

Priscilla smiled as she set her tea cup down. "Aunts Freya and Rebecca are doing well, and uncles Elijah and Marcel are doing well. They all send their love to you."

"You give them a big hug from me dear one." Nettie smiled

The front door opened, indicating Bobby had returned from karate practice, and Nettie gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Priscilla, please come by more often." she smiled as she embraced the beautiful brunette

"I promise Nettie." Priscilla smiled as she returned Nettie's embrace. "You'll have to come by as well. Freya and Rebecca would love to see you."

The two walked into the foyer to find Bobby taking off his blue leather jacket, and hanging it on the coat rack. Upon seeing Priscilla, he smiled brightly. "Hi."

"Hi." Priscilla smiled brightly

"Well, you two have studying to do, so, Bobby, which I know you will, be respectful, and keep your hands to yourself." Nettie said.

"Yes, ma'am." Bobby smiled

Priscilla smiled as she grabbed her backpack and Bobby led her up the stairs to his room. Upon opening the door, and setting their backpacks on the couch in his room, Priscilla noticed it hadn't changed. Not one bit. There were still photos of him and her on the wall, especially one in their freshman year, which was taken by Nettie.

The only thing that had changed, shelf that held his trophies. All second place, except the year Johnny got sick. Priscilla studied them for several minutes, and glanced over her shoulder at him and gave him a sweet smile that he returned.

"Very impressive Bobby. You're obviously driven and precise to have won so many." Priscilla smiled sweetly.

"I'm not as good as Johnny, but like I said, sensei said I'm his second best." Bobby said

"Well, to me, you're always first."  Priscilla smiled sweetly. "A trophy doesn't define how good you are. It's just an award, it's about believing in yourself and doing your best."

Bobby fell for her even harder. "Thanks beautiful."

Priscilla's cheeks flushed a bright red, then she turned to grab her backpack off the couch. "Well, should we start studying?" she asked, and Bobby nodded. "Where would you like to sit?"

"The bed would be fine, or the desk. Whichever you prefer." Priscilla smiled

The two of them sat on the bed and Priscilla unzipped her backpack, grabbed her textbook, as well as her notebook. "Since it's Mrs. Johnson's beginning of the year, test. I think we should work on French culture. She tends to do more of that at the start of the year. Then we can conclude with conversation." she explained.

"Sounds good to me." Bobby said

Priscilla opened her notebook, and began speaking directions in French. He nodded his head in understanding. Then she asked him a series of simple questions like this one:

"Comment, allez-vous aujourd'hui?" Priscilla asked

"Trés bien, merci." Bobby answered. "Is that right?"

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