why the HELL is there an AMERICAN at your door!?

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Ranboo agreed to bring the keys to Tubbo's.

Tubbo hung up the call and fell back into the couch, picking his book back up.

"Why do you have a storyteller in your contacts?"

"... he's- you know what, never mind."

"So, nothing has been happening in your life then? Cause' the last time I checked, I didn't know any storytellers."

"Oh my god." Tubbo groaned.

Tommy crossed his arms, using one of his fingers to tap impatiently on his other hand.
[Bleeding on the bus while writing this rn, not important to the story just wanted to share cuz it kinda stings lmao :)]

Pretty quickly actually, a knock was heard from the other side of the door.

Tubbo dusted himself off and opened the door, to which Ranboo was standing outside of with a pair of keys in his hands. More importantly, Tubbo's keys.

"Hey Ranboo."

Ranboo nodded up at Tubbo and waved his hand.

"I believe these belong to you."

Ranboo said, tossing the keys up to Tubbo who caught them.

"Thanks." Tubbo smiled at the taller.

He smiled warmly back.

A sudden yell yanked Tubbo and Ranboo from each others eyes.

"What!?' Tubbo asked, immediately turning around to face a terrified Tommy.

"There's an American at your door!' Tommy whisper yelled. "Quick, get behind me. I think I still have that burger repellent Wil gave me."

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Oh my god Tom's." He groaned.

"Well, lets not beat round the bush, shall we? Ranboo, this is one of my brothers, Tommy."

Tommy laid his hands on Tubbo's shoulders, slightly hunched behind him, like a child to their mother. 

"You know this.. American?" Tommy asked, venom laced on the emphasized  "American".

"Yes, I know Ranboo." Tubbo deadpanned.

Ranboo awkwardly waved at the Blonde who seemed to be.. sniffing the air around the bartender?

Tubbo smacked Tommy on the head who whined in response.

"Well then, American, i'm sure Tubbo has told you lots bout me." Tommy stated, crossing his arms.

"Actually.. no, yeah, no not really." Ranboo shrugged.

"Excuse me?' Tommy asked offendedly, now changing to glare at Tubbo.

'You know, usually when I talk about you it scares people away." Tubbo played, shrugging, opening one eye to spot Tommy's reaction.

"Wow. Insanely rude. You know, my lawyer will be hearing about this."

"Oh yeah, Quackity's gonna do a fineeee job lockin' me up." Tubbo replied, chuckling.

Tommy scoffed, turning back to Ranboo who had just been watching the two banter.

Tommy glared Ranboo up and down. "So.. your the infamous storyteller?" Tommy asked.

"I guess so."

Tommy huffed, still eyeing the taller up and down. "You could do better."


"Oh c'mon, an American!?'

"You know Techno and mum are American, right?"

"Okay yeah, but they're different!"

Tubbo playfully scoffed. "Mhm, sure."

Tubbo decided to ignore Tommy and go back to focusing on Ranboo. 

"Im sure you wouldn't want to stay to watch hell break loose." Tubbo said, his mind deafening Tommy's pessimistic mutters from behind.

"I actually wouldnt mind. There also wouldnt be any reason to go back to my place since my roommates s are kinda gone off to their own thing." Ranboo said, picking at the nail polish on his fingers.

"Oh. Yeah, come in."


Tubbo had loved his brother.

He just wished Tommy hadn't gone to his house this exact day.

Maybe, it was because he wanted to save Ranboo from the tornado known as Tommy,

Or maybe he wished it was just him and Ranboo hanging out.

...He couldn't tell which was the correct answer.

But that didn't matter!

Ranboo had sat himself on the couch, glancing at the book that had been abandoned there.

"You interested in history?" Ranboo asked Tubbo who had sat himself next to Ranboo.

"Not exactly. One of my brothers is though and recommended this. Its kinda cool." Tubbo said, picking up the book and skimming through the pages.

Ranboo nodded and continued picking through the paint of his nails.

"Your hair." Tommy said out of nowhere, glancing down at his own hands.

Ranboo picked his head up at Tommy.

"Its really pretty and long."

"Oh. Thanks." Ranboo said, glancing down at his black and white hair that fell down all the way to his waist.

"Dye it yourself?" Tommy asked, still staring down.

"Yeah." Ranboo nodded up.

"Uhm.. do you mind if I braid it?" Tommy asked, picking at the dead skin peeling off of his hands.

Ranboo looked to Tubbo who immediately nodded.

"Oh yeah, Tommy's really good with hair! He puts braids in my hair all the time. Our brother literally has hair that falls to the floor that he styles really well!"

Tommy's face was basically red, but he tried his best to play it off as cool, "Well duh, of course I'm amazing with hair. I'm amazing at everything!" Tommy said, angling his head high but also away from the two on the couch.

Well this really wasn't how anyone expected their night to go, but no one was complaining.

Tommy spent his time braiding Ranboo's long ass hair, complimenting it every few seconds. Tommy had explained how he used styling as a stress reliever, and that got the trio in a conversation about all the weird things they do to deal with stress.

Turns out Ranboo paces a lot, Tubbo's a gardener and Tommy uses Techno's hair.

After Ranboo's hair was braided to Tommy's likeness, he yanked Tubbo down to the floor to put tiny braids in his hair.

Soon enough, pizza was ordered, loud music was playing on the TV and Ranboo was painting Tommy's nails while Tubbo was waiting for his to be dried.

They were like little girls having a sleep over, but no one minded it as everyone was having fun.

At some point Tommy had started rambling about how the Queen was his long lost lover with Girl In Red playing in the background when Tubbo had spit his drink all over the floor, causing both Ranboo and Tubbo to burst out laughing.

Ranboo didn't believe the same guy who was shitting on him for being an American earlier was the same person, but he didnt mind the slander as long as he could hang out with the two again.

{Have another chapter because I feel bad for being insanely inconsistent <33}

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