Elsa - You are right .

Anna - So can we head into the palace now ?

Elsa - yes sure 

[But before we reached the palace .Goran attacked on us. I made marshmallow[FROZEN SNOWMAN WHICH GAURDED ELSA IN HER ICE CASTLE ] out of my power to protect us .Then he send his wolf .But soon Marshmallow was winning the fight .So Goran got angry. From his arms ,two arching flames  emerge .The flames sweep  up into the air and come down on the top of Marshmallow with great energy. Marshmallow roars in  pain as these flames hit him, but in an instant the snowman is vaporized and all that can be seen is the shape of Marshmallow in steam ]

Goran - You infuriate me witch .I will burn this whole kingdom if I have to just to eliminate  you from among the living !

Elsa -What will that prove .Everyone knows  who you are ! In time ,other kingdoms will know who and what you are !

Goran - So be it ! the notoriety that I will gain from this work in my favor ! Since Jack will be tied to your destruction as well ! He will be forced to continue to follow me if he wishes to survive and with you gone ,he will have no other place to go!

[Now Goran hands flare up and he releases a barrage of small hard fire balls at me ,I , in turn create an ice wall for protection .The first ball that hit this wall are extinguished but the barrage keeps up .In mere moments ,the ice wall is breached and I had to move out of the way .So I leaps out from behind the wall and sends a blast of cold air and snow towards him .The swirling snow makes the barrage of fireballs fly over the place and when the snow reaches him it temporarily blinds him .Well Goran responds to this by flaring his entire body up with fire .This quickly dissipates the snow that  surrounds him .

Elsa - You are doing all this so you can control Jack! 

Goran - Not just to control him  but to control masses! . My own is not enough for that kind of control ! I need a general to lead an army to establish that fear ! Jack was going to be thta general ! .However you and your army are a threat ,a threat that I intend to eliminate .

[Then Goran 's hand flare up again as he prepares to attack .]


[Anna had organized a response to Goran's attack on me .Men from the palace were using buckets of water to try and dowse the fire around the harbor .Meanwhile ,arrows were being fired through the flames at him. However the fire was  so hot that the water hardly does any good and the arrows burn up instantly .So the metal arrowheads make a light clank as they fall harmlessly onto the ice of the the harbor . It was during this time that Kristoff shows up at the village square on his cart .Everyone is rushing about and everything is in controlled chaos and soon sees Anna talking to a member of the palace guards ]

Kristoff - Anna! [he waves at her ]

[Anna looks over to Kristoff and gives a quick wave before turning back to the palace guard to say a few more words .The guard acknowledges Anna before rushing off and Anna then hurries over to Kristoff .Meanwhile Kristoff had climbed down off of his cart and quickly works his way to Anna through the rushing people ]

Kristoff - Anna are you all right? What's happening ? There was a beast of fire that scared the daylights out of everyone and it was headed this way !

Anna - Kristoff I'm fine but it is Elsa that is in danger! Goran ,Jack's friend has attacked her! They are  both out in the middle of the harbor! 

[So Kristoff looks at the harbor and sees the wall of fire surrounding it.]

Kristoff - How in the world is that happening ?

Anna - Goran created it .He has the power of fire .We are doing the best that we can doing the best that we can to battle it but we are not having much success!

Kristoff - Don't give up Anna ! .Others will be showing up soon to help and we will find  a way to help her ! Just tell me what to do and I will do the best that I can ! 

Anna - Right now ,you can join the bucket line ! .If we break through that fire wall ,the palace guards can go in and help defend Elsa! 

Kristoff - Right away ,your highness! 

[While all this was going on in the harbor ,up in the palace stands the duke .He had evacuated to the palace when the warning trumpets had sounded for the war .Now he looks out a window at the battle that now rages down in the harbor between Elsa and Goran .The Duke face is lit in orange by Goran's fire .]

Duke - I have hired a monster How  will I explain this ? My career will be over if the king of Weselton find out.



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