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To be quite honest, she didn't know why she was here

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To be quite honest, she didn't know why she was here. She just randomly decided, on the first of three days off of work, to come here. Did she need to be here? No. Did she actually love coming here? Yes. So, where was she? At the fucking grocery store.

She hadn't chosen the bigger cart to hold her things, this time she went for one of the smaller ones. Given the fact that she hasn't the brightest idea as to why she's here, she doesn't know what she's exactly going to leave with. Does she actually need any groceries at home?

With a huff, she turned her cart down the next aisle as if her life may have depended on it. There was still nothing in her cart, but she fucking grabbed one anyway, so she was not going to be seen leaving with absolutely nothing. She had to get at least one thing. Just had to.

Delaney glanced over the various products that were in the aisle with her, not really finding anything that was satisfying. She sighed and left the aisle, deciding to go back to the refrigerated section. That's when it dawned on her.

She could probably use another gallon of milk.

Now walking with a purpose, a reason for being at the damn grocery store, she made it to the milk. She scanned over the different options and finally decided on the one percent with the green lid. The door smacked shut behind her as she placed the gallon in the cart, and it made her cringe. She then spun her cart in a 180 and continued on.

Delaney then decided to check out the frozen section since it was literally right next to the refrigerated section. Convenient. She didn't need any waffles or breakfast items, so those she passed. When she came upon the pizzas however, she slowed down. Delaney was very particular when it came to pizza, so she had to make sure the one she chose was absolutely perfect.

She stopped her cart suddenly when one pizza caught her eyes. It was a buffalo chicken pizza. She had never seen it before and became intrigued instantly. Delaney took one step towards the door and grabbed the handle as she read what the pizza entailed.

Yes, she'd like this pizza very much.

It was then in her cart and she decided to do some more browsing. She started to hum a little tune that her phone had played in her car on the way here, her head bopping to the beat in her head. Skipping over a few aisles after not finding the signs that were above them interesting, she found herself in the aisle that had the words macaroni and cheese. Delaney loved macaroni and cheese.

The humming has since stopped as she glanced over the numerous glorious boxes that stood on the shelves in front of her. She crossed her right leg over her left, tapping her fingers against the cart handle. So many options, and she didn't know which one to go with. At the last second, she eyed a black box that was on the very top shelf.

Delaney moved her cart out of the way and walked over to where the box was and reached up for it. She couldn't even reach it by standing on her toes, and being disabled didn't help this situation at all. She exhaled sharply through her nose as she took her foot to push aside the boxes that were on the bottom shelf. Without a second thought, she then stepped up on to the bottom shelf, using the extra height to reach for the box of macaroni.

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