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History Repeats itself in many different ways

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History Repeats itself in many different ways. If any of these figures resemble those who have come before,
It is merely coincidence...

Lieutenant General Hanozawa was dead. It was the 28th of April of the Inner Imperial Calendar 3042, when Lieutenant General Ariko Hanozawas body was found dead in his study at his residence on the Imperial Federation of Planets  capital of Rigel 6.
A long blade had been stabbed into his chest piercings his heart. A note had been placed their as well.
It read simply: 'Traitors to Democracy will pay for their sins. Yu-Yen-So and the innocence of IshVak will be avenged.'
The murder could not come at a worse time for the Public Relations Office of the Imperial Federations Government.
It had been almost a three months since the battle of Dre-Nada where almost 140,000 Spacers died, and two months since the end of the siege of Harmriser Fortress where 6,480,000 spacers and civilians died. Only 720,000 spacers and civilians out of almost 7,000,000 made it to Meiji Fortress.
Protests had begun after the shock and horror of what happened at the Massacre of Bunker 211, where Darklon Marines slaughtered 41,000 civilians in cold blood.
Pro-war and Anti-war factions clashed in the streets of Rigel City, Admiral City, Aralon city and in almost every major city on almost every major planet.
"The doves don't see that they're helping the Darklons by dividing us." The warhawks leader Abram Sorel said in a interview regarding the protests turn riot.
"The hawks are literally protesting the Darklon Empire itself instead of their leaders who continue this war instead of finding peace." Said the dove leader, Sandra Ortega.
Regardless of each sides sole beliefs , the death of Lieutenant General Hanozawa almost stopped the protests entirely.
The Pro-war hawks, wanting to honor the memory of the Lieutenant General, who was a war hero during both the First Galactic War and the IshVak rebellion, decided to honor his memory with candle light vigils around government buildings and his own residence.
The Anti-war doves, not wanting to be blamed for his murder, pulled back their protest and went almost quiet. It was later said that Sandra Ortega and her followers had celebratory parties all over Admiral City.
No one, however, was more troubled than Viceroy Dominous Bradely the elected leader of the Imperial Federation of Planets.
All day, he had been on and off the phone with the Lieutenant Viceroy Robert Shelling who was Viceroy of the Senate, Speaker of the House of the Common Man John Hellins and Mayor of Rigel City Marcus Akey, consulting them and assuring them that the government was safe.
Bradley had deployed the 20th Regiment of the 2ant Imperial Corp to guard the Congress building and the mayors office. The Viceroys Mansion was already protected by the Royal Imperial Guards, an elite group of soldiers tasked with originally protecting the Emperor.
They were the main reason Ahab III surrendered. At the last second as the Alliances fleet was closing in on Rigel 7, Rear Admiral Jose Gonzales turned his 500 Royal Guard on Ahab III forcing him to surrender.
Colonel Gonzales later said he did it to protect his family who, along with the populous of Rigel City and Admiral City, were threatened by Ahab III who promised the Alliance he'd nuke both city and "any other city or planet my nukes could reach."
In addition, 200 men of the Army were also designated to guard the Viceroy. 567,098 soldiers of the 20th Regiment of the 2ant Imperial Corp were now active in the city, splitting the populous even further.
No matter the sentiment, Bradley would do anything to protect his people.
It was now the 1st of May and night had fallen over the capital city. Bradley found himself standing in his office looking out at the city. Across the city from the viceroy's office was the massive black building of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs Military headquarters office. Any and all operations by the Military was conducted there. Imperial Federation Marshal Zuckoffs, Commander in Chief of the Navy, Army and Marines Fleet Admiral John Novak and Vice Commander in Chief  William Tyrol all had offices here.
Surprisingly, Bradley hadn't gotten any terrified calls from them concerning the murder.
There was a soft knock on the door followed by one of his aides stepping inside.
"Mr. Viceroy, the Colonel from the 20th Regiment is here."
"Good." Bradley said as he continued to watch the city at night. "Send him in."
The aide opened the door allowing  a man in his early 30's to enter the office. He was of average build with brown hair and shortened sides. He wore his non-combat uniform ,that the standard F.I., (Federation Issued) called 'not dress, not trench, uniforms'.
"Ah Colonel, welcome." Bradley said facing the man in his office.
Colonel Grey Halleck saluted.
Bradley noticed the large scar which sat across his cheeks and nose.
The Viceroy extended his left hand to shake the Colonels. Halleck put his cap under right arm and extended his left as well. Viceroy Bradley was known for being left handed.
"IshVak?" Bradley asked.
"Yes, sir." Halleck said referring to his robotic prosthetic left arm. "A stray rebel bullet hit all the vitals. Things were so bad they weren't able to get to me for several hours. At least my future family is insured." The Colonel said sarcastically.
Bradley chuckled picking up the humor.
"I thank you for your ongoing commitment to protecting our nation and your service in the IshVaken War." The Viceroy said.
"The IshVakens were defending their homeland from what they perceived as invaders just the same as we are now sir. I pity the huns sir. They have no idea what's coming." Halleck said.
"Well put." Bradley said smiling.
He took a seat behind his desk and motioned for the colonel to also take a seat.
"Colonel, i'll get to point. Our Nation is in a difficult position at the moment. Our victory at Dre-Nada had rallied our people more than the start of the war. Our bond drives are up and so is recruitment.
Then Harmriser fell and well over 1 million people died. This emboldened the doves and the Federalists," he stopped. "Your not a federalist, are you, son?"
"No, sir." Halleck responded. "Card holding Imperialist since before IshVak."
"Good man. Anyways, the federalist are now emboldened and are trying ways in the House to end this war." Bradley continued.
"Interesting how those who voted for this war only a few months ago now want to see its end." Halleck responded.
"Those not ready to see a war to the end, were only caught in the moment." The Viceroy said.
The aide entered again and placed down a cup of tea in front of Halleck. Earl Grey with two sugars.
"If this war," Halleck said stirring his tea. "Isn't God opening a door to finally rid the galaxy of our greatest enemy since before the Kines Rebellion, then why would we be fighting it?" Halleck said.
"Exactly right, son." The Viceroy said. "Our nations people now walk on pins and needles, wondering if we are fighting a just war. The stalemate on the frontier has not helped our cause. And while our service men and woman are doing all they can under the great leadership of Vice Admiral Gordon, our home front suffers. We need a significant victory and we need it fast." Bradley said. "Thats why i need your help, son."
"Anything, sir."
"You've heard of the murder of Lieutenant General Hanozawa?"
"Yes, sir."
"And the deaths of Major Generals Gonzales and Zadock?"
Halleck nodded.
"We've told the public that their not related in any kind, When in reality, they are."
The news wasn't surprising to Grey Halleck as it was more of a conformation to what he already suspected. If it had been Darklon espionage they'd go after targets of higher value that would cripple the Imperial Federation. Major General Roberto Gonzales and Major General Chen Zadock were retired generals who service spanned back even before the first great war. Zadocks only role in the military as of late was headmaster of AMI. Lieutenant General Hanozawa, however, was different. Although he was 68, compared to the two Major Generals who were well into their 80's, he was one of the highest ranking officer in the Imperial Army.
"Our intelligence services believe it to be the work of an anti goverment group hellbent on upsetting my government. I'm placing you in charge of finding these rebels and snuffing the fire. I know it's a small job for a man of your caliber but it's needs to be done."
Halleck stands and salutes.
"Consider it done, your excellency."
Viceroy Dominous Bradley smiles.
"Thank you, Colonel. It's nice to know there are still people I can trust."

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