Windracer's Guilt & Aggro's Advice

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Windracer's P.O.V

I sighed and curled up in my hay bed. I was still getting used to being a member of the Rescue Riders, I am a NightWing-SkyWing hybrid who ran away from my home in the underground cave that me and the rest of my friends had lived in for 6 years of our lives. "Hay Wind! Come on, we're going fishing. You wanna come?" I looked up to see Aggro, the Fire Fury, she reminded me a lot of Arid, I had a huge crush on the young SandWing ever since I could remember, but everyone thought I was taken and killed by the SkyWings. And I bet Arid doesn't even like me the way I like her, right?

My eyes filled with tears as I thought of my friends, who I had left behind in the underground cave. I regretted that decision ever since that day, but I was to afraid to go back for them. "I'm such a useless friend." I muttered quietly to myself. I heard a sharp gasp and I shot my head up in surprise to see that Aggro was still standing there. "What in the name of night furies do you mean by that Windracer? You're not useless! And I won't allow you to say that about yourself. Do you hear me?!" She growled. I nodded slowly and stared down at my talons.

"Oh! I uh... I promise I'll try and think more positively." I told her. But Aggro just stared at me with a frosty glair on her face. "Woah! You look just like Snowfall when she gets angry at Orchid or Shadowhunter." I teased Aggro and she blinked and stared at me with confused eyes. "Who are Snowfall, Orchid, and Shadowfinder?" She asked. "Uh you mean Shadowhunter? They're three of my friends that I cowardly left behind when I ran away. There is also Tsunami and Arid. Tsunami is a SeaWing and Arid is a SandWing-IceWing hybrid." I explained to the now wide-eyed Fire Fury.

Aggro's P.O.V

My jaw dropped open in shock. "You what?!" Windracer looked down at her feet and avoided looking me in the eyes. "Aggro?" I looked over my shoulder to see Summer and Leyla standing in the doorway leading into the sleep cave. "What's wrong? And why are you and Windracer fighting?" Leyla asked me. I sighed and shook out my wings. "We're-We're n-not f-fighting. Hay Leyla? Can I talk to you... Alone?" The hybrid gestured with one of her wings outside and Leyla frowned and gave me and Summer concerned stares.

"So what's up with Windracer?" Summer broke the silence that had fallen on the two of us once Leyla and Windracer had left the sleep cave. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "To be honest with you... I have no idea. She started blaming herself for ditching her friends and she was saying that she was a cowered and a useless friend." I told her. "She told me about her friends when I had yelled at her for calling herself useless." Summer blinked and stared at me in shock. "What were there names?" She asked. "Snowfall, Orchid, Shadowhunter, Tsunami, and Arid." I replied. "Shadow what now?" She asked me. "Shadowhunter." I said. "But yeah, she was calling herself useless and a coward for not going back to save her friends." I told her.

Summer's jaw dropped open in shock. "She said what?!" I didn't want to repeat myself, so instead I just looked at my feet. "Aggro, why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked. "Because It wasn't my place to say anything. You know, since we're not very close friends yet." I said, being completely honest. "But we're her friends too. She's a Rescue Rider now, can't we just go and rescue her friends from wherever they are?" I shook my head in response. Summer started to pace. "This isn't just some small thing, this is huge! We need to let the others know!" She said. "Wait, tell the others about Windracer's trapped friends and her strange behavior? No way! I could never, what if she hates me forever?" If she hated me forever for telling the others... Maybe I need to rethink this... "What? No! You don't have to tell them directly! Drop a few hints, you know? But don't make it too obvious. You need to give the others a chance to figure it out on there own." Summer told me. "How can I tell the others if Windracer is almost always there?" I asked. Summer looked thoughtful. "Hmmm... Don't worry about that, I have a plan."

Summer's P.O.V

My jaw dropped open In shock at what Aggro had just told me. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Windracer's friends were trapped in an underground cave, and just because they are destined to stop a war and to complete some prophetic prophecy. What in the name of plasma fire does that even mean? Poor Windracer, she has all of this pressure placed on her shoulders and she is only a 6-year old dragonet for crying out loud.

"So what does this plan of yours Involve us doing? And is it dangerous? Summer, are you even listening to me?" I jumped at the sound of Aggro's voice calling my name. "Oh! I uh... Nothing dangerous, if that's what you're worried about." I told her. Aggro opened her mouth to speak but the sound of the door opening caught our attention, we both looked to see a shaken-up Windracer and a teary-eyed Leyla. "Oh my night fury! Are you guys ok?" I asked in a panic. Leyla nodded weekly in response and I gave a sigh of relief. "Well that's good. At least you're not injured."

"Hay Summer?" I turned around to see Leyla staring at me with a concerned frown on her face. "What's up Ley?" I asked her. "Can I talk to you outside?" I tilted my head to the side curiously as I gave my friend a questioning look. "Is this about Windracer?" I asked. Leyla slowly nodded and I followed her outside and we flew up to the roof of the Roost to talk in private. "Ok Leyla. What's on your mind?" I asked her after a few moments of silence.

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