Eighty-seven - Thesis

Start from the beginning

Charles: Yes

Eric: Wow, I never knew

Charles: I dedicated my paper to her

Charles: My research helped scientists make the new drug kaftrio

Eric: You are a miracle


Charles: it was nothing

Eric: I'm so proud of you

Charles: Nothing to be proud of

Eric: You helped to produce a life changing drug for your sister's condition, that's incredible

Eric: I'm unbelievably proud of you

Charles: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

Eric: I'm not...

Charles: I was talking to myself

Eric: Don't cry Love

Charles: I'm trying

Eric: I love you

Charles: I love you too


Eric: how are things going?

Charles: I have meetings with all my students all week

Eric: awwww I'm sorry

Charles: I hate being a professor sometimes

Eric: I  briefly considered being a teacher you know?

Charles: you...a teacher?

Eric: that was before I remembered that I hate people

Charles: Does that mean you hate me, I'm a person after all?

Eric: no, never

Charles: I could never hate you either

Eric: I know, you are a sappy idiot

Charles: <333


Eric: I really need to get out of here before I get arrested for murder

Charles: What's up?

Eric: People

Charles: I get you

Eric: people being irritating dickheads

Charles: sounds like a lot of my students

Eric: My my, Professor Francis that was extremely unprofessional

Charles: shush you


Eric: So the plan for tonight:

Eric: Cuddle

Eric: eat

Eric: cuddle

Eric: Unless you wanted to...decompress beforehand

Eric: I wouldn't say no to a blow job right now

Eric: giving or receiving

Eric: then I can fuck you into the mattress all night long

Eric: you're with a knuckleheaded student aren't you?

Eric: please tell me you can get off work soon as I need to get off

Eric: and I'm hard because I'm thinking of your beautiful cock

Eric: I'm escaping from these imbeciles

Eric: come home sooonnnn

Eric: get the idiots on your end to shut the fuck up then come home so I can fuck you


Charles: I swear, you are determined to make me make a fool of myself


Charles: Hello darling

Eric: What did I do?

Charles: make me have to try and ignore an erection...again

Eric: Sorry

Charles: you're not sorry

Eric: I'm really not

Charles: I'm on my way home

Eric: Yayyyyy

Charles: imagine if the people in your office saw how you reacted when talking to me...

Eric: if you dare...


Charles: Maybe I do


Eric: Don't you dare...

Eric: Charles

Eric: Don't you fucking dare


Eric: Charlie please don't


Charles: Fine

Charles: I can't say no to you when you call me Charlie

Eric: Good to know

Charles: But only you get to call me it

Eric: <333

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