Fourteen - revelation

146 14 39

[11:34am] 14/11/22

Charles: fuck

Eric: just woke up then?

Charles: yeah

Eric: is this the part where you apologize like a sap for last night?

Charles: Oh God I'm so sorry

Eric: don't worry about it

Charles: I believe we need to have a conversation, now that we are both coherent

Eric: agreed

Charles: how does one start a conversation like this?

Eric: perhaps with "let's meet in real life"

Charles: that's a good idea

Eric: Well since we both have feelings for eachother, perhaps we could meet for the first time as a date, tomorrow?

Charles: like me???

Eric: I thought we already established this before you got drunk

Charles: I think I was drunk when you sent the message

Eric: that would explain things

Charles: so hold up, you like ME?

Eric: yes love I do

Charles: ohmygodohmygodohmygod

Eric: calm down Charles, I can't have you hyperventilating on me, I want to see you tomorrow

Charles: tomorrow

Charles: shit

Eric: 10am Central Park, by the fountain?

Charles: shit, ok

Eric: Charles calm down

Charles: holy fuck

Charles: it's actually happening

Eric: take a few deep breaths Charles

Charles: I need to sit down

Eric: please do, I want you in good condition for tomorrow

Charles: tomorrow

Charles: shit

Eric: Don't worry love


Charles: I just spoke to Eleanor after she practically kicked down my door

Eric: why did she kick down your door?

Charles: I may have left her a drink voicemail about confessing to you

Charles: she's quite the gossip and wanted to know everything

Eric: how interesting

Charles: yeah, and scary

Eric: all the best people are

Charles: agreed


Charles: tomorrow

Eric: yes

Charles: shit

Eric: are you only going to say shit tomorrow?

Charles: I mean it's a rather large possibility...

Eric: Charles I don't want you stressing out, it will be fine and we will have a great time. Don't worry. Just go to sleep and get some rest for me.

Charles: but I want to talk to you

Eric: We can talk tomorrow

Eric: and every day after that

Charles: do you promise?

Eric: I do

Charles: then I suppose I should get some rest, I don't want to look like a zombie

Eric: I'm sure you'd still look good in zombie form

Charles: thank you darling

Charles: I'm going to take a shower to calm myself down. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!

Eric: I never thought outrageously adorable was my type but here we are.

Charles: oh shush you're making me blush

Eric: that was the intention

Charles: damn you Eric you always make me grin like an idiot

Eric: goodnight love

Charles: good night Eric

[7:02am] 15/11/22

Eric: good morning sunshine


Charles: good morning!!!

Charles: I'm scared

Charles: and excited

Charles: and nervous

Eric: no need to be scared love

Charles: how will I know if it's you?

Eric: white shirt, grey suit, back tie and black shoes

Eric: and I'll probably be looking pissed off at everyone around me

Charles: I don't blame you

Charles: I'll be wearing a powder blue shirt, dark blue cardigan, dark blue slacks and I'll probably be looking half asleep

Eric: of course you will


Charles: I'm leaving

Eric: see you soon

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