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"Jamie can you hear it?" Claire says.

"No. It's quiet." He says.

"And you hear it Gordon?" Brianna says.

Gordon nods.

"Gordon, you can travel." Claire says.

"Through the stones?" Gordon says.

"Yes." Brianna says.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"That's what we hear." Claire says.

Gordon stands confused for a moment.

"Wait. We don't have a jewel." Brianna says.

"Aye, we do." Gordon says as he takes her hand and holds the ring he gave her last night.

"You'll come with us." Brianna says.

He nods. She places her head to his chest.

"Just give me a moment. I need to prepare myself." He says.

"What for?" She asks.

"Brianna." Claire says.

"What?" Brianna says.

"Everything and everyone Gordon has ever known is here." She says.

Brianna looks to Gordon, "You'll come?" She says.

"Of course. I just need a minute." He says.

He walks over to Claire.

"Will I never see you again?" He asks.

"No. Probably not." She says.

He puts his arms around her and holds onto her tightly.

"Thank you, Auntie. For everything. I don't know how I would ever be alive had it not been for you." He says.

"You are the only man we would trust to be with our daughter and you have enriched my life more than I could ever tell you." She says. 

She rubs his cheek and he turns to Jamie.

"Uncle." He says.

"Just come here lad." Jamie says.

He walks to him and throws his arm around him.

"Blood of my blood." Jamie says.

"And bone of my bone." Gordon says.

"You are my son." Jamie says.

"I love You Uncle." Gordon says.

Jamie takes his neck and rubs it softly.

"Go, now." Jamie says.

Jamie reaches to his pocket and pulls out the jewels, he hands one to Gordon and puts it in his pocket. He places the other into Donnie's blanket.

"You ready?" Brianna asks.

He nods to her.

"Do we just touch the stones?" He asks.

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