Attack on the ridge

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Gordon wakes up in the morning early and gets up to put more logs on the fire.

"You're not getting up now, are you?" Brianna says.

"Not yet, soon. I'm to help groom the horses this morning." Gordon says.

"You look a bit bigger." She says.

"Pose for me." She adds.

Gordon stands still.

"What do you mean, pose for you?" He asks.

"Show me your muscles." She says as she does a movement with her arms.

He flexes them the way she did.

"Come back to bed, I'll show you how to work the muscles." She says.

He climbs back into bed beside her. She kisses his face and then moves down to his chest and over his arms.

"I like when you kiss my chest." He says.

"I like when you kiss my chest too." She says.

He pulls her back up to his face and they kiss again.

They lie there for a few moments before Gordon stands up and gets ready.

"Will you come back at lunch?" She says.

"Aye. I'll bring you back some berries. It's good season for them now." He says.

He walks over and kisses her gently.

"Look after the wee man." He shouts as he leaves the room.

He walks outside and heads to the stables.

"Uncle." He says as he rounds the corner.

"Early start lad." Jamie says.

"Aye. Better to get it done now than after lunch." Gordon says.

They groom the horses.

"How do you feel?" Jamie asks.

"I just feel tired very often. A lot more quickly than I'm used to. Very weak still." Gordon replies.

"It'll come back to you lad, you're still young." Jamie says.

They finish grooming the horses.

"Come lad, have a dram with me at home." Jamie says as he puts his arm around Gordon's shoulders.

Jamie walks with Gordon up to the main cabin and they head inside. They sit down at the dining table and Jamie pulls a bottle down from the shelf.

"I believe this is single malt, but don't bank on it. These bottles don't have labels." Jamie says.

Jamie pours it into some glasses and places the bottle on the table.

"Slainge". They both say and drink.

Jamie pours them another and they drink slowly. Speaking casually.

They hear a thud come from the other side of the house. They stop briefly and listen, expecting to hear more. But nothing else comes.

They continue talking. But they are risky interrupted by a flaming rock that's burst into the room through the window.

"Down." Jamie shouts.

Gordon huddles down onto the floor.

"Bonnets men." Gordon shouts.

"I think." Jamie says.

"Get Claire." Jamie adds.

Gordon runs slowly and low to the ground through the house to the surgery.

He turns the corner and sees a man with a knife against Claire's throat. Gordon stops dead, knowing fine well that he isn't able to fend off that men or the two others stood there.

"What do you want?" Gordon says.

"We want all of you, to die." The man says.

"If you let her go, you can take me. You can kill me right now, but you must let her go." Gordon says.

"Gordon, no. Stop." Claire says with a whimper in her voice.

Gordon looks to Claire's eyes.

"Auntie, I have nothing to live for. No wife. Nothing." He says with a glare.

It is then that Claire realises, Gordon isn't making a proposition to these men in trade, he's just delaying them.

"Why would we want to kill a man who means nothing to people?" They say.

"I might be all you get." Gordon says as he 'stumbles' into the table, knocking over a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Gordon looks back over to Claire and she knows this was a signal to Jamie.

Gordon sees Jamie in the reflection of the mirror creeping down the hallway. He locks eyes with him.

Jamie nods and Gordon ducks down. And from behind him, Jamie throws a blade which catches the man holding Claire in the upper chest.

Jamie gives Gordon a sword and they take the other men.

Claire is let free and stands aside.

Gordon battles the man with his sword and they hit blows back and forth until Gordon is able to rifle the sword through the man's chest and twists.

He pulls the sword out and the man falls to the ground.

When he turns, Jamie is held by his sword to the neck. Gordon stops bewildered.

"I'll slit his throat." The man says.

From nowhere at the door, Brianna emerges. With a man and knife at her throat.

"Brianna." Gordon says.

"Drop the sword." The man says.

Gordon reluctantly drops the sword.

"We'll take them both." The men say to each other.

"No." Gordon says.

"You will not take the lady." Gordon adds.

"You can take any of us. But not her." Claire adds.

Jamie looks to Gordon with a glare in his eyes. He flickers his eyes down to his boots and sees a blade in it.

Jamie then looks to his hand and he places up 5 fingers and then slowly removes one. He takes this as a clock, a timer and when Jamie gets to one finger, he is to free Brianna.

Jamie's finger slowly bleeds to one and as Jamie goes, Gordon lifts the sword and javelins it at the man holding Brianna. It strikes the man and goes clean through his eye.

Jamie jabs the man in the arm and manages to wriggle free before breaking the man's neck.

Gordon moves slowly over to Brianna and places his arms out in front of him. She takes them and collapses into his chest.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks her.

Brianna shakes her head.

"Are you alright, you and the bairn?" Gordon says.

"I think so." Brianna says.

Gordon holds her closer to his chest.

"Uncle, are you alright?" Gordon says.

"Aye, lad." He says.

"Claire?" Jamie says.

Jamie runs to the door.

"Claire!" He shouts.

She was gone. Nowhere to be seen.

"They've taken her." Jamie says.

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