The pretty girl again, with the riotous hair she ruffles with a hand while she works. It helps her think. He knows this about her, somehow.

A necklace, charms, a star and crescent moon. It hangs under her robes - how does he know that? - and sometimes on top of them.

He gave it to her.

* * *

Less pleasant things.

The pain again, in his chest. Not just the slash, which was brutalising, like a lightning strike in a storm. But a tightening, a constriction. He couldn't breathe.

"You need to know that I'm not a fucking thing you own."

* * *

Vincent Crabbe, trying to infringe on his mission. His mission, the special one just for him, that he has to finish before the end of term. It's to save his father, get him released from Azkaban. His mother is desperate for him to succeed.

What was it? It was... it was... complicated. It was so hard, he didn't know if he could do it. But then he did know, it was achievable, and Draco was stalling.


The cabinets. The vanishing cabinets. Repair the broken one and let the Death Eaters into the castle. Infiltrate Hogwarts.

And he knows how to do it, but he hasn't yet.

The pretty girl, with the curly hair and the shoes he gave her. The necklace under her robes. Can't have her here for it. He has to wait, wait until after the term ends.

Wait until summer, when she'll be safely away from the castle. She can't be here. This matters.

* * *

"Where is my son?"

"Narcissa, please, be calm. He's just over here."

"It's Lady Malfoy."

"My apologies. Draco is alright. He's not conscious, and it's part of Severus's treatment of the wound. He's going to be fine."

A cold hand on his own, chilly fingers with manicured nails. Sniffling, sobbing, something shakes against his shoulder. He feels hot breath and tears and knows she's crying on him.

"Oh, Draco, Draco... I'll be back soon, darling."

* * *

The way the pretty girl likes being praised, responds to the confirmation of a job well done. A good girl, tugging her skirts down over her knees instead of tugging them up like other girls do.

His good girl, and how she loves him saying it to her, telling her how good.

* * *

"You're finished, Malfoy." The grunt is accompanied by some appallingly pungent hot air across his face. "It's mine, now. Everything you have will be mine."

* * *

"Narcissa, please. He's alright."

"Why isn't he awake yet?"

Draco wants to be. He struggles again, in vain. He thinks he's closer all the time, but maybe that's a dream, too.

"He's healing faster this way. Be patient."

"The scar... his chest. Oh, Severus."

"I'm looking after him, Narcissa. There is nothing I can do about the scar, but I am doing my best to protect him."

"And what is being done about Potter, may I ask? He attacked my son."

"Narcissa, please..."

"It's Lady Malfoy, for the last time. Severus can refer to me informally as a long family friend and as Draco's godfather. You may not."

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