Chapter 17

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Kaori, who was Kita's rookery sister, was about Kita's height and had wings attached to her arms like Lexington did. Her color was a dark yellow with brown on the inside of her wings. She had a human face with brown hair coming down her head.

It was just after sunset when Brooklyn and Kita both came up to her as she was currently sitting on the rooftop overlooking the village for any signs of trouble and noticed her rookery sister and their guest coming up to her.

"Kita, what is it?" The other female asked curiously, watching Brooklyn with interest but Brooklyn seemed to show more interest in Kita instead of her.

"We need your help. Brooklyn needs to call his clan but can't remember the phone number for his home. If you can somehow find phone numbers connected to New York for us, we would be grateful."

Kaori nodded as she glided to her room where her computer was, the others following. Brooklyn hoped that Kaori could really help him contact Elisa and the others. The three reached Kaori's room and Brooklyn gasped a little at the sight of the big computer in there.

The other female smiled as she turned it on. "I don't know what it is but I've always been fascinated with human tech," she said with a grin. Brooklyn smiled back but kept a hand on Kita's as she opened up the computer to where to locate the number he needed.

"Go on, she'll need your information on the location to find it," Kita encouraged. Brooklyn nodded as he shyly walked up to Kaori. She was pretty but not as pretty as Kita.

Kaori tapped into the global phone book site and Brooklyn told her to look up Manhattan, NY and the Eyrie Building for David Xanatos. As she did so, she got lucky and found a phone number! Brooklyn was grinning, excited to at last to be able to hear his family's voices once again, giving Kaori a thank you hug.

"Thank you!" He cried, happy tears coming down after Kaori wrote down the number for him and he took it, hugging Kita next but then flushed once more, butterflies in his belly.

Kita cleared her throat. "Um, let's call them, huh?" She said, taking him by his hand and going to the phone in the village. Some of the humans watched Brooklyn with interest in their gazes but Brooklyn ignored them, too focused on his goal to talk to Goliath and his other clan members.

Upon reaching the payphone, Kita handed him a Japanese quarter coin Kaori had and Brooklyn put it in, punching in the numbers. He heard the dial tone, swallowing nervously, shaking, hoping someone would answer.


It was getting close to sunrise in New York.

Owen himself was taking care of Alex that night when he suddenly heard the phone ring. He wondered who would call them at this time of night, going to pick up the phone.

"Xanatos Enterprises, who is this?" Owen asked, hearing a strange feedback noise. But what he heard next shocked him; it was a voice the man thought they all didn't think they wouldn't hear ever again.

"Owen? It's-it's me, Brooklyn!" called the voice of the second in command.

Owen nearly dropped the phone but managed to recompose himself. "It- Brooklyn?" Owen exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, it's me! Is Goliath or Elisa there? Or any of my family?"

Owen nodded. "I believe Goliath is on the parapets. I'll get him. Just wait a moment, Brooklyn, hold on." He placed down the phone on the table still on and quickly ran out to where Goliath sat there, looking out over the city, and wondering where Brooklyn was, Elisa holding his arm.

Owen ran up to the two. "Goliath? Elisa? I have big news. Someone just called me, and it... it was Brooklyn. He's waiting to talk to you."

Goliath's eyes glowed and he gasped. "What?!" He roared.

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