Chapter 7 - Shifting Cast

Start from the beginning

"To you."

"To me?"


"Holy shit. JJ, you're fucking with me."

"I wish I was." I started to scream.

"Are you okay?!" Lena exclaimed, walking into my room. I started laughing.

"Sorry, yeah. I'm okay." Lena walked out, and I stared at Jill in my phone.

"But yeah. I just thought I'd tell you first."

"Doesn't have anything to do with you and Ingrid does it?" I smirked. Jill's dimples soon started to pop and her cheeks went red.

"You're so nosy!"

"What? Me? Nosy? Never."

"You should be glad I love you."

"But Jill, this is going to be so amazing. You, me, playing together again!" I nearly wanted to scream again until I realized it was 1 a.m. I soon hung up with Jill, and for the first time in months, I didn't creep into Lena's bed. The thought that Jill was coming back, and was going to be with me, almost every day, kept me company that evening. It was a feeling like none other. My best friend coming back to me.

At the season's conclusion, Lena and I had the entire team, and others over at our place. We had all the post-season drinks one could find, wanting to finally let everyone breathe. Although we did have an international break coming up, and then some of us (solely just myself from Wolfsburg) were off the Olympics, we needed to relax. Feel the weight being finally lifted off.

"Have you got all the drinks?" Lena asked as I walked in the door.

"Yes!" I called back.

"Even the-"

"Girl, yes!"

"I was just checking." I rolled my eyes, laughing at her as I set down the boxes of drinks on the counter.

"You forgot the-" Lena started to say, as I pulled the cans of beer from the ground.

"No, I didn't." She smiled, putting them all in the fridge. "I didn't realize you were a stress-party planner."

"No stress."

"You're stressing."

"No, I'm just getting organized."

"Oh, my lord." I opened a packet of chips, sitting on our barstool as I watched her load the fridge.

"MILA! We can't open the food until people arrive."

"Why not?" Lena glared at me, snatching the packet out of my hands.

"Oh, my lord. I need a smoke." I grabbed my pack of cigarettes that only ever resurfaced in the off-season and went onto the balcony. I heard the girls start piling in, but I stayed outside, the warm Wolfsburg breeze printing itself on my face.

After a few moments, the door opened, and Frido came out, sitting beside me.

"You smoke?"

"Hardly." She put her hand out, and I passed the cigarette. She took a hit, before giving it back.

"Oh my god, don't think I've done that since I was a teenager." I laughed, slightly.

"I wanted to tell you something," Frido then said, a few moments later. "Before everyone else."

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." She looked nervous, her hands shaking slightly. "I'm not coming back to Wolfsburg. Next season, I'm- I'm not going to be here." Something dropped in my stomach.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I haven't resigned."

"Where are you going?" I saw her take a deep breath in.


"Wow. Frido, that's incredible. I'm so happy for you."


"Of course!"

"I'm so nervous."


"Guess I've just got used to it here." I grabbed my friend's hand, squeezing it slightly.

"You're going to be okay. Besides, you make friends better than I do." Her cheeks went red, and she tucked her blonde hair behind her ears.

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