“Huh? Explain to me first then I will give you some money”

“I indeed bought plane ticket to the US but I will not go there. I bought it to trick mom and dad. Actually a month ago I got accepted to be intern at the hospital in Bangkok, Thailand they are waiting for my answer to start working. And I think that this is the right time”

“Are you crazy? Where did you get that idea?”

“Because I know mom and dad don’t have any business there so they won’t go that country except fro holiday. I chose that country because that country didn’t have any relation to mom and that” Answered Wang Yuan “So ge, I need cash for my plane ticket to Thailand”

“Then, where will you live?”

“Hmm, I don’t know but I think I can rent a condo”  Wang Yuan answered  “I’ll think about it later. I heard that the living cost there is cheaper than here so I will survive. Beside I will earn money from my salary”

“Wang Yuan....... Such a naughty baby” Wang Yibo took a deep breath and then typed something on his phone “I let my friend know about you, he lives in Bangkok. He will clean the condo that I bought, you can stay there, about plane ticket I also asked my friend to buy it so it can’t be tracked by mom and dad”

“Gege you have a condo there?” Wang Yuan was little but suprised “How come?”

“I just bought it on a whim... don’t worry our parents don’t know about it”

“a whim? impossible”

“A long time ago, my friend needed money so he borrowed money from me and used his condo as collateral, but he couldn’t payback his debt so condo became mine. Don’t worry all the legal paper has changed to my name”

“I love you gege.......” Wang Yuan hugged and pecked his brother’s cheek

“Ew... you grown up already but you still kiss your gege like that. What a spoiled baby!”

“I can’t do that? I’m your favorite didi”

“You can..... you can. Gege also asked my friend you buy you a car to help you with your activity, there.... I already help you a lot actually”

“Thank you ge, I will leave tonight. I’m gonna miss you so much but I will give you my new number also gege you know where I live so come visit me often okay?”

“I will take you to the airport”

Wang Yuan or Roy is the youngest son of the Wang Family that is very famous for having a lot of busniess in China and some other countries. The Wang Family has two sons. The oldest one name Wang Yibo who is 5 years older than Wang Yuan, Wang Yibo is a famous young CEO from the Wang Business kingdom while Wang Yuan just graduated from medical school in US.

As I mentioned few times already, Wang Yuan is hard to control. He is a free spirit who doesn’t like to be controlled even by his parents and repeatedly broke their family rules. Even when his parents told him that they wanted Wang Yuan to be a CEO just like his brother and sent him to the US the learn about business he secretly applied different major and chose medical instead. Of course at first his decision made his parents angry but then they gave up, thanks to Wang Yibo explanation. Wang Yibo indeed really love his baby brother so much

As a naughty child who sometimes broke the rules, Wang Yuan once got kidnapped after ran away from a family banquet because he said that he was bored and didn’t like a lot of people. The kinapper hurt Wang Yuan and made him lost some of his memories. Long story short that was one of the reason why his family try to control Wang Yuan more than what they did to Wang Yibo. They didn’t want to lose a family member. That was also a reason why Wang Yibo loves his brother so much also a little bit protective of his brother.

Redemption : Chapter Two (English Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें