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It was dark, very dark, it was cold too. A lone boy sat in this room. He thought it was cold at first, but he didn't think much of it now. He tried to keep track of how long he was here, but as time passed, he soon lost track. The room was darker than pitch-black, well, if that was possible at least. The boy couldn't feel anything, he couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't smell, and couldn't taste anything, not even his saliva - which he thought was weird. Left with nothing but fleeting thoughts, the boy had to make do.

A long time later, at least the boy thought that it was long. He was amused that he wasn't dead yet, considering how he hadn't eaten food for so long, not to mention his lack of hunger. He couldn't feel anything. No growls from his stomach, no palpitations from his heart... nothing. It was weird, yet strangely calming. The cold, however, wasn't nearly as pleasing. It was like being butt-naked in the middle of a snowstorm in Antarctica... Were there snow storms in Antarctica? The boy mused to himself. This had become how he spent his life now.

*drop* For the first time since he arrived in this weird place, he heard something. Not just that, the boy felt something. It was like a tingling sensation at the back of his head, urging him to head to the source of it. The boy decided to head to the source, considering how he had nothing to lose. He could somehow see the unknown substance that had appeared in this endless expanse, akin to how people can visualize things in their heads. It looked like... a drop of water. Well, a glowing drop of water to be precise. The boy didn't know what this weird water did, but he didn't care. He was happy he could see something.

The drop of water is weird, really weird. No, extremely weird. The boy tried touching it, but nothing happened, the drop of water stayed completely still. It kept increasing in size, and with every slight increase the boy felt like something was changing, which was a very foreign feeling since he well, hadn't felt anything for a long time, but he was suddenly able to feel constant changes to his body.

The boy was ecstatic, the cold that had constantly tormented him was gone, replaced by a warm feeling... Kai? Who's Kai? The boy thought the name had come to him suddenly, but unlike one of his fleeting thoughts, this one stuck. It felt important, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

The drop was now a blob. The boy figured out who Kai was. It was Kai. The boy - Kai - realized the glowing water would, with each new "stage" as he liked to call it, in turn, return him more and more of his memories. Kai was happy, happy that he was feeling better, happy he could remember himself. But something bothered him, this wasn't normal, no? Kai was confused about how he hadn't thought of this yet, it was like some divine being was preventing him from remembering. Not to mention how he didn't even know who he was, and he suddenly remembered when that weird blob came. But he didn't think much of it, nothing he could do other than wait for the blob to grow bigger.

It was now the size of a boulder. A change finally happened in Kai's body. He could feel, like, actually feel. Not the previously sudden spurts of warmth, no, he could feel his surroundings. An uneven floor, his sides seemingly stuck between something. This excited Kai, but in the end, he couldn't move, so he gave up.

The blob - now almost 5 meters long and wide - started glowing. Its radiance rapidly increased suddenly, he wasn't in that dark place anymore, he regained all of his senses, and he found himself in a dark cave.

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