However, when Amira drifted over to open the fridge, she stopped and turned to me, raising her hand to my face. Her fingertips glided over the slash on my cheek, replacing the sting with a line of tingles that numbed everything in my entire body. I practically melted into her touch, not realising I'd leaned my head into her hand.

"Sorry," she said softly, "I got you good."

I closed my eyes, kissing her palm and pulling her hand away from my face. As I looked at her again, I moved closer so I could press our foreheads together. "For good reason."

"No, it's the only option you had, it's not fair that I've hurt you when you were only helping." She nuzzled against me, eliciting a strange reaction from my body. I felt warm. Warm and fuzzy. As much as I hated it, it made her all the more beautiful as I stared down at her. What was happening right now?

"I'll live," I replied quietly. I backed her up to the island, closing her in between my arms and making sure her eyes were on mine. "We need to talk about something."

She pouted. "Why? I don't want to."

"You know I heard you earlier."

Her playful expression disappeared and she looked away in an instant. Her entire mood had changed. She looked embarrassed and awkward, almost scared of what I would say next. But I wasn't letting this all go until I'd said my piece.

"I never expected you to let me bite you. That's just Sam and Cassie and the others' assumption. You're a werewolf, I'm not fucking stupid, you'd never go for it." I swiped my finger under her jaw, forcing her to meet my gaze. "I've resisted your blood so far, haven't I?"

She nodded slowly. "So you didn't even expect it in a few years, or even further in the future?"

"No." I gave her a rare, cocky smirk. "I have other ways of making your mind go blank." She punched me in the chest and I let myself chuckle, rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip. Her eyes never left mine. "You didn't have to make it so obvious you hate what I am and do, but no, I never thought I'd get that from you."

"I don't hate what you are," she sighed, "I'm just getting used to it."

"Mm." I was wildly distracted by her lips by now, examining every curve and detail in them.

That was when I realised exactly why we both seemed so different to normal: I had bitten her, even if I didn't feed. Both of us — as well as the bond — knew I'd bitten her, so we were closer. The bond was stronger, just not quite as strong as if I'd gotten my fangs in her neck for a length of time at the right time.

If I told her we were on a high because of the bite, I feared I'd scare her, so instead I gave in to my needs and bent down unprovoked to kiss her. Like it was completely natural for us, she tipped up her head and our lips locked.

That was when something furry brushed against my leg.

The damn cat was purring as she circled Amira, reluctantly passing by me with every rotation. Amira's eyes locked on the creature instantly, and she bent down to pick it up like I didn't even exist. I found myself glaring at its little face.

"Neoma, were you worried?" Amira cooed, scratching behind its ears. "I'm fine."

"It can't speak English," I sighed as I walked around to sit down at the island.

Amira rolled her eyes. "Don't degrade my baby like that. She can definitely understand." She rubbed their noses together. "Can't you?" Neoma meowed, which apparently meant yes in lunatic speak. "That's right, you tell him."

I shook my head with disappointment, staring down at the countertop. The image of my One being so gentle and childish with a cat was worryingly endearing to me, especially when she scrunched up her face holding Neoma right in front of her like she was playing with a baby. She eventually put the black fur ball down, but not before she'd given her a dozen kisses.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now