"I slept good till your annoying lil friend started doing too much." Pursing her lips Poet stayed quiet, not wanting to talk about the girl she considered to be her friend. "Answer the facetime."

Poet nodded even though Trinity couldn't see her and accepted the call, laughing as her best friend's face popped up on her screen with her lips pursed as well.

"I knew you would be looking just like that. That's why I called you."

"Looking like what?"

"Like I just tripped your granny up. You always look like that when I talk about ole girl."

"Yeah cause that's my friend Trin."

"That ho- that girl is not your friend Poet. I'm just waiting for you to finally accept that so we can move on with our lives."

"She's not that bad when you-" Poet cut herself off before finishing her sentence, remembering that Trinity had known the girl going on a year and a half.

"Yeah exactly. We both know she is that bad. Somebody needs to humble ha before I do it." The older girl's Trinidadian accent seeped out with her words, making her sound more annoyed than she actually was.

In all honesty, Trinity could never stand Rakhia. She didn't like anything about the girl from the moment she met her. She wasn't a hater though so she could admit that she was a pretty girl but her personality made her hideous.

She especially didn't like the way she treated Poet and she would call her out on it every time, not caring to hurt the other girl's feelings. Truthfully she only put up with her because of Poet and she had secretly been finding apartments for the two of them to move into once the younger finally kicked Rakhia and her sour personality to the curb.

Taking note of Poet's silence, Trinity decided to change the conversation even though she had a lot more to say.

"You know what you're wearing today?"

"Something black like always." Poet shrugged, not having put much thought towards an outfit since she had just woken up not too long ago.

"Hmm okay. I'm about to take a shower & I'll come in your room when I find what I'm wearing."

Poet nodded before hanging up the call, deciding that she wanted to go and make herself some iced coffee before she started her day.

The girl exited her bathroom then, making her way towards her door slowly hoping that Rakhia had already left to do anything other than be at home.

"You know you did the most last night right?" Rakhia's snarky voice commented as Poet stepped in the living room making her look up only to see the older girl exiting her room fully dressed.


"I said you did the most last night. You made me look mad crazy."

"I...made YOU look crazy?" Poet asked confused, furrowing her eyebrows as Rakhia stepped closer to her.

"Isn't that what I just said?" She rolled her eyes before looking the girl up up and down, a mug placed on her face as she pushed her purse up higher on her shoulder.

𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now