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Poet awoke from her deep slumber with a groan, stretching deeply before saying a prayer for her day out-loud and standing up from her bed.

The girl continued to get into her head again about the situation from the night before, she felt as if it was her fault for even going into the living room. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed, not only because of Rakhia's outburst, but also because of the fact that she did nothing to stick up for herself.

Poet was so scared to argue with anyone that she just froze up whenever confronted about anything, it's something she had always done.

"Goodmorning guys! It's Poet again, I just wanted to give y'all a quick rundown of my plans for today while I get ready," She spoke in front of her iPad like always.

Starting on her 6 step skin care routine, Poet hummed quietly to herself and stared at herself in the mirror.

Although she was very beautiful, she refused to acknowledge herself as such because she just couldn't see it. After years of bullying and ridicule from her peers, the young girl wouldn't believe it was the truth if someone told her she was pretty.

The times she did feel pretty however, never lasted long as Rakhia would always swoop in and say something like, "Maybe you shouldn't wear that shirt, it makes you look weird." or "You look okay, not better than me though."

Blinking away tears Poet looked away from the mirror, not wanting to see her reflection any longer as she dipped down to rinse the product off her face.

Poet internally thanked whoever had called her once her phone started to ring, tearing her away from her thoughts and bringing her back to reality.

"Hello?" The girl answered not bothering to check who it was, just happy that someone was actually calling her.

"Are you up Poet?" Trinity's voice filled her ear as she patted her face dry, grabbing one of her face serums before applying a few drops.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay good. How did you sleep?" Poet smiled at the question and placed her phone on the counter before putting it on speaker so that she could rub the serum in.

"I slept okay. What about you?" She nicely asked back, starting a conversation with the girl who was only in the other room of the same apartment.

𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now