MON 27 OCT 2003

134 6 12

felixs pov;

"there's still no updates on the missing people cases, the last being a little over a month ago now" the news report takes me away from getting ready. "the only body found still being nineteen year old yang jeong-" i turn my tv off.

taking the last drag of my cigarette i put it out on the damp windowsill, blowing the smoke out the open window. i sit at my desk to finish my makeup, today i have no classes but i do have work. i only put on eyeliner and mascara to distract from how bad my eye bags have gotten.

after the events on friday i hadn't left my room, walking to work today will be terrifying but i can't skip a day. after friday ive been scared to do alot. the feelings i had in early september have come back, this time knowing why jeongin isn't alive.

i put my hat on and grab my keys, i leave the house and notice jisung leaning against a car, i give him a weird look with he responds with a smile. "when did you even get a license ?" my question doesn't take away his smile.

"shh, get in" he opens the door for me. he gets in the car and stares at me, something menacing with the way he looks. "what happened, you haven't replied to any of my calls or message and you look awful"

he starts to drive, out of fear i buckle my seat belt up. "found out what happened to jeongin and i found out who was watching me" he instantly breaks the car, luckily there's nobody behind us.

"WHAT ?!!" he screams, i guess my confession freaks him out. a beep from a oncoming car takes him out of his suprised freeze. "explain because what the fuck" he keeps his eyes on the road but he looks concerned.

"we were having a late night picnic by the church and she confessed to me, i told her i wasnt ready for anything at the moment but i did like her" i look out the window, jisung parking outside my job.

"wait so she confessed and you basically rejected her" i nod. "and i guess she didnt take that well" he asks and i nod again. he leans back into his seat, i pick at his car seat.

"she brought up jeongin" i keep my focus on the seat, trying not to cry. "she's some sort of freak or something, she stalked me for like half a year. wanting to be with me instead which meant jeongin had to die"

jisung gets out the car and walks around to get me out too. he pulls me into a hug, i hug my best friend back. "its ok lix, im here" even with all that's going on i smile knowing my best friend won't think im insane.

"i just left and haven't left my room since" i keep my head against my closest friends shoulder. "it was so scary, i let myself move on with her, i kissed her. maybe this is the world's way of punishing me for moving on too quickly, maybe i deserve this"

jisung takes off my hat to pat my hair. "how about for halloween we have a movie night ?" he asks. "it can be at yours so you don't have to leave the house, we can dress up and eat snacks all night... like old times ?"

"yeah like old times" i push away from our hug to give him a reassuring smile. "i get to pick our costumes" he laughs and we decide to enter the coffee shop. "hey bin"

"oh wow lix, you look awful" jisung starts laughing as i groan at them both. i flip them both off and go into the back to change into my apron. i dumb all my stuff on the small table in the back and go back to the counter.

"me and hyunjin are going to be studying so if you need anything just come over" jisung informs me after getting off the phone, i nod and get his order ready. i am excited to meet my best friends boyfriend.

my shift seems to be going by quite fast, the radio and small conversation filling the coffee scented room. i watch jisung and his boyfriend flirting while having open textbooks infront of them, i smile and put their free drinks onto a tray.

i walk over to them, luckily jisung told me hyunjin's favourite drink. "two iced coffees for the gays" jisung laughs and shoo's me away. once i get back to the counter i notice changbin leaving. a feeling of pure dread filling me, minho will be here soon.

i say my goodbyes to my coworker and start busying myself behind the counter, starting to clean up ready to get out of here and to bed as quickly as possible. by the time ive cleaned up the work space its passed the time she would've been here. "hey lix, hyunjin just left but i'll stay to drive you home"

"thanks sung" he helps me out with cleaning the tables while i sweep the floor, the radio playing a little louder than usual. i go into the back to put my coat and hat on along with locking up.

we leave the shop and i lock up, jisung sitting in his car. i get into the passenger seat, he gives me a sad look, "are you feeling okay lix ?" i put my seat belt on and look out the window to the shop, he reassuringly pats my shoulder.

"i was so scared she'd show up" i confess. "i was worried she would show up and i wouldn't be prepared to see her" he starts the car, glancing at me. "i just want to go back to last year, when life was still good. back when i still had innie and minho didnt know i exist"

"i know what you mean" he starts the drive back. "feel like everything has been going so wrong so quickly, you and hyunjin are all i have left" we stay in silence, the car sounds filling the noiseless vehicle.

"when everything back to normal we have to go somewhere for the weekend" jisung agrees as he parks outside my house. "we still on for wednesday's new episode ?"

"absolutely, at yours this time" i agree and leave the car. he waves and drives off. i sigh and unlock my door, stepping in and going straight to my room.

kinda hating this chapter but mwahahah one left! for anyone wanting some fun facts about this:

it was originally set in modern day where minho would kill the other six but i didn't really like how long it would take me to make development personalities for everyone so you'd care about their death!

i also started this because i told a friend that i base all my stories on someone and they wanted one, they picked the vampire theme. the original minho wasnt like the final ver (i like this version) [-:

picking 2003 was a random date along with picking fridays as their date night so i was pleasantly suprised when i found out not only was halloween a friday but it was a full moon on friday 10th! hope everyone is ready for an awful ending!!!

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