Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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A/N: This first chapter may be split up as it covers the Clone Wars movie. Enjoy!

On the surface of the planet Christophsis, the battle raged on. It seemed as though no where was safe from the blaster fire. 

"I told you this victory was too easy," Obi-Wan stated pointing towards Anakin. "We never should have sent the ship back for supplies."

"It wasn't my idea to send the ship back." Anakin snapped back. 

"Stop it you two!" You interjected. "We've got bigger problems to worry about right now." You said adjusting your armor and grabbing the lightsaber from your belt. 

The second wave was rolling in quickly, clone troopers doing their best to keep up as the droids approached without hesitation. The false victory had taken everyone off their guard causing general chaos on the battlefield. Troopers dropping like flies made you feel uneasy. You had never been too fond of the idea of the clones being disposable. The clone troopers you commanded had become some of your best friends and closet confidants. It hurt you to see them killed in battle, even if it was what they were made for. 

"What is he waiting for?" You asked as you swung your lightsabers around widely, blocking and redirecting as many shots as you could to help support the battalion of troopers you'd brought to the planet's surface." 

"Patience, Y/N, he knows the plan." Obi-Wan stated also supporting the troopers. 

Moments later, Skywalker and his troopers dropped back down into the fray coming from above. This lead the battalion on the ground to charge forward given the extra support and disorientation of the droids. 

Despite this distraction from the troops charging forward, there was still a great struggle amongst all. Charging forward to slice through as many droids as possible you shouted over the blaster fire, "We need reinforcements!"

"We haven't been able to get through to the admiral." Obi-Wan replied slicing a droids head off. 

You grunted in response continuing to push through the droids until they suddenly pulled back. A ship landed nearby and a small grin appeared on Obi-Wan's face. "It seems help has arrived." 

Walking towards the shuttle, Obi-Wan began to ramble on about his new padawan that he had requested whilst lecturing Anakin about how he should train one as well. You couldn't help but smile. The pair was such a great match even if they didn't believe it at times. 

As Ahsoka walked down the ships ramp, you raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Obi-Wan's padawan had arrived, whether that was helpful or not was yet to be seem. Something felt off, however, and you soon realized why when Ahsoka announced not only that the three jedi were needed elsewhere but also that she would be Anakin's padawan. Despite your grave situation, a small chuckle escaped your lips. Obi-Wan gave you a side-eye, but he too had a small grin on his face. 

Anakin wandered off along with Ahsoka and you took this as your chance to chat with Obi-Wan while everyone regrouped. "Didn't see that one coming." You said nudging his should with a grin. 

Obi-Wan sighed softly, though he wasn't completely disappointed in the situation. "Nor did I, but I think this will be good for him." 

You and Obi-Wan had been friends for your entire life. You trained together as younglings, worked together a lot as padawans, and even both passed the trials around the same time. You had practically been apart of all of Anakin's training. You knew it was a good idea for him to have a padawan, and you were excited to see how it all played out. You felt as though Anakin was like a little brother to you, so you were excited to see him succeed and move forward in his position. Obi-Wan on the other hand, didn't quite feel like a brother, there was something deeper. Something you dare not explore for fear of what others may think.. what he may think. He was so devoted to the order that you were quite sure he would have no part in any emotions you may feel toward him, but it was hard keeping them to yourself.

Your small banter with Obi-Wan was cut short as you noticed an energy field growing in the distance. "That looks like trouble." You interrupted as Obi-Wan was about to say something else. "Let's go." 

After your short debriefing with Rex, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Anakin, you began to put the plan into motion. You stuck with Obi-Wan, although that was quite typical of the two of you, to keep the droid army's attention off of Anakin and Ahsoka. 

"Do you think they had a chance, sir?" Rex asked.

"They make a good pair," You stated simply. "I am sure they can handle it." 

~Mini Timeskip~

With no forward progress in the battle, the troops had to fall back. The canons were doing nothing against the shield, so there was not much left to do other than take the droid head on. Obi-Wan and you began cutting down  as many droids as possible, including some of the larger one causing the most problems for the clones. After some time, you and your troops were fatigued. You were all struggling to make any headway. Then, Obi-Wan did something you had seem him do so many times before. Negotiate. 

After surrender, he pulled up a makeshift sitting area for negotiating the terms of the surrender. You kept a blank face while listening to him ramble about refreshments, living conditions, food, and more. If you could do so without giving away his tactics, you would be grinning ear to ear. He had such a way with words and it was quite comical how the commander of the droids was eating them all up. The stalling was working perfectly... until it wasn't.

"I was hoping your shield would be knocked out by now." Obi-Wan muttered as he was lifted by the droids. As if on cue, the shield fell away. The reinforcements arrived, getting both you and Obi-Wan out of the custody of the commander.  

Once regrouped, you were immediately briefed on the kidnapping of Jabba the Hut's son. It was going to be a long couple of days. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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