Chapter 1

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"Chlo, I know you want to keep being my stylist exclusively, but you HAVE  to branch out at some point. You're getting offers from all over the place." My brother’s voice says from my phone on the counter.

"Lix, I am fully aware of how many offers I'm getting. I've been getting them since people found out that i was the main stylist for yours and Chris' God's Menu looks." I sighed.

My brother has been on my case about this for months. I've been getting calls from other agencies asking me to work on their idols and actors. I just wasn't interested because I fell in love with dressing my brother up the same way he did for me when we were in high school.
I've been working on the Stray Kids styling team since a little before their album No Easy was released.

"Besides, if I start taking jobs from other companies, I wouldn't have nearly as much time for myself as I do now. We both know I enjoy having my free time just as much as I like hanging out with you and the guys. " I feel like a broken record at this point. At least once a week, Felix has this same exact conversation with me, and every time, I shut it down.

"Ugh, you're so stubborn," he groaned, and I could vividly see him dragging his hand down his face exasperated. "JYP reached out to me and asked that you call KQ because they've been blowing up the office phone. Can you at least see what they want to offer so they get off of my back about it? Please?"

I paused the writing of my shopping list to mull it over. They were bothering Felix over something as stupid as this? There were definitely pros to having another company wanting my work, but did they outweigh the fact that I want myself completely open to work on my brother? That sounds like we're codependent - no, like I'm some clingy girlfriend that won't remove myself from his ass.

"Fine" I huffed, "I'll call them tomorrow morning to see what the hell they want, and if I don't like the terms, you won't ask me about this again, yeah?"

Loud whooping could be heard in the background of Felix's line as he thanked me. "That sounds fair, I promise I won't ask ever again if you do this. Speaking of the guys, Chris and Changbin wanna know when you'll be over to make deserts with me again."

I laughed cause I could hear the guys running closer to the phone to hear me, "I'm sure I'll be over this weekend, think about which ones you wanna do before I come over so I can stop at the supermarket."

"Will do Chloe! Thank you!" I heard Chris practically yell into the receiver.

"I gotta go now, love you, Chlo."

"Love you too, Lix, see you soon."

I sat at my counter for a few minutes. Had I really just agreed to do work on another group? It didn't matter now, I already told Felix that an attempt would be made.


The next morning, I procrastinated, calling KQ for as long as I could before sucking in a deep breath and sitting on the couch with my laptop and phone.

It only took two rings for the call to be picked up, "Thank you for calling KQ entertainment. How can I direct your call today?"

"I was told Kim Gyu Uk wanted to have a chat with me about potential stylist opportunities. My name is Chloe Patterson-Lee." I said, an air of professional annoyance about me. Truly, I knew my brother was right about this whole situation. I really did. But I don't really like branching out. It causes too many things to change, and I loathe change.

"Ah, yes! Miss Patterson-Lee! Hold for just a moment, and I will arrange a meeting for you with Mr. Kim." The receptionist had obviously been told I would be calling at some point. Damn corporate companies and their pushiness.

I opened my laptop to a timetable I'd been working on. Seeing as I'd only done work on the guys, I never thought of hiring anyone to do this for me, and it's always worked out.

"Miss Patterson-Lee?" The receptionist came back onto the line.

"I'm still here, just looking at what I've got scheduled with Stray Kids right now." I replied, looking at what I had down on my timetable.

"I see. Thank you for holding. Mr. Kim says he's available tomorrow morning around 9 A.M. for a meeting with you. Does that work with your current schedule?⁹" The poor woman sounded nervous about making sure I could come.

"I am," I glanced at my timetable, seeing I had nothing professional based with the guys until next week.

"Thank you so much for calling! We will be sure to have everything arranged by tomorrow morning." Our conversation ended and I sat there for a few minutes debating on whether or not I'd done what was good for me, or just what was coerced of me.

Noona🩵: I hope you know that if KQ passes me off, I'm strangling you, and neither of our moms will be able to stop me😑

The Favorite Brother🥳: YOU ACTUALLY CALLED THEM????


And I highly doubt that you'll strangle me after you actually meet with them, you love me too much😝

Noona🩵: You're an absolute menace, you know that?

The Favorite Brother🥳: You love me though😁😁😁😁

Noona🩵: Don't make me call Chris and tell him that his Yongbok is being a shithead

The Favorite Brother🥳 has read.

"He's lucky that he's the only boy, dad would've killed me over that." I played with my earlobe and took a big, deep, calming breath. Deciding that lingering on the looming dread over meeting with a whole new team was just making my anxiety worse, I pulled out my portfolio for the next few concepts of Stray Kids to take my mind off of things.

Currently the I'm working on concept hair and make-up ideas for Thunderous, a song that was written to tell off the people hating on them. So far, the biggest thing I have planned is giving Felix some extensions because 1) I know he would love that and 2) he's always aimed for a more androgynous look whenever I consult him about any specific style. I came up with a few looks to choose from and sent them to the team lead.

I wonder who KQ could be so desperate to have me work on?

The StylistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora