wriolette pt2 from last time

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Why did you let me sleep like that. I am now covered in, in fluids!" Neuvillette says. His temper rising when he sees Wriothesley laugh at him.

"Fluids? Really?" Wriothesley laughs at him. "Last night you didn't seem to be so inno-"

"Do not finish that sentence," Neuvillette puts his hand up in a stop motion, warning the other man.

"Okay, okay," Wriothesley put his hands up in defense. "I told you I'd take care of it, yeah? Come on then, I'll pamper you in the shower." Wriothesley says with a smile, pushing his own blanket aside to stand up.

Neuvillette is quiet as he watches Wriothesley go into his bathroom. Once Wriothesley notices Neuvillette is not following he stops, placing a hand on his hip and looking at the paler man. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I can not walk or stand too long," Neuvillette says softly. He sways a little bit where he stands, trying to keep his balance as he looks at Wriothesley.

"Shit I'm sorry. I got a little carried away didn't I?" Wriothesley scratches the back of his neck in an awkward way. He walks up to Neuvillette, putting an arm around his waist to help him towards the bathroom.

"Do not judge yourself so harshly. I enjoyed it," Neuvillette says with a flushed face as they slowly walk to the next room.

"Here, sit here and I'll uh. Do you want a shower or a bath?" Wriothesley asks, picking Neuvillette up and setting him on the bathroom counter. Neuvillette hugs the blanket closer to himself, not use to the treatment from someone else.

"I prefer showers in these situations," he answers honestly.

"Are you able to stand that long?" Wriothesley asks as he turns on the shower head, warming the water up.

"I guess we will find out. I have a shower stool if needed as well," Neuvillette says. He watches Wriothesley raise an eyebrow at me. "Do not look at m like that. Furina has me buy one after she did. She insisted it was life changing," Neuvillette says as he slides himself off of the counter. His legs give out on him, sending him to the floor.

"Easy there!" Wriothesley rushes over to try and catch him but Neuvillette is already on the ground. "Here, let me help you," Wriothesley offers. He places both arms under Neuvillettes and lets the man use him like a crutch.

"Thank you," Neuvillette says while they step into the shower together. Thankfully it was a large walk in shower so Wriothesley didn't have to help Neuvillette climb inside.

"Here, let me get the stool just incase. Are you okay if I leave you for a second?" Wriothesley asks. Neuvillette stares at him, mouth slightly open while trying find the words to say.

"I..Yes, um, I'll be fine. The stool is in the closet to the left," Neuvillette points out of the shower. He leans his back against the cold tile, letting go of Wriothesley. Wriothesley was quick in returning to the shower, stool in hand.

"If you need it, just let me know," Wriothesley holds Neuvillettes chin with his thumb and forefinger to give him a gentle kiss.

"You must excuse me. I've never had someone care for me in such a manner before," Neuvillette admits while going to sit in the chair. As Neuvillette talks Wriothesley listens, taking the shower head off and and spraying the hair on Neuvillettes back, making sure not a strand is missed. "This is all so rather new to me that I am not sure how to respond at times."

"So I take your breath away?" Wriothesley teases, putting Neuvillettes shampoo in his hands and begins to massage his scalp.

"In all seriousness, yes you do," Neuvillette confirms. He leans his head back into Wriothesley hands, closing his eyes at the soft treatment. "I have never had someone pay such attention he way you do."

"Mhm," Wriothesley hums along to show he is listening. Once the soap has been rinsed off the hair he moves onto the conditioner, starting at the ends and combing his finger through to the top to remove any tangles. "It's what you deserve, Neuvillette."

Neuvillette sighs, "I wish I could say I agree." While the conditioner sinks into his hair Wriothesley turns Neuvillette around to face him. He crouches down to look at the man, eyes now open and staring at him.

"And just why do you think that?" Wriothesley asks, grabbing the shower head once more to spray all the dried cum off of Neuvillettes body before applying the body wash to ensure it all washes down the drain.

"Once you have decided as many fates as I have, you grow to wonder if they were correct or not. Take Nadia's father for instance. Her father was not the murder and yet I trialed him as so. They could have made such lovely memories together," Neuvillette says, tears beginning to slide down his cheeks.

"Oh no, no, don't think that." Wriothesley is quick to drop the shower head and wrap Neuvillette in a hug. With the shower head on the floor, they can hear the rain pattering on the glass. "You provide so much for the trails. I know they can be hard and I'm sorry that you're tasked with such a large decision." Wriothesley runs his hand through Neuvillette white locks, trying to comfort the man.

"The Oratrice has the final decision when it comes to the trails. Look what happened with Childe. You found him not guilty and the Oratrice disagreed. Think of the Oratrice as the one deciding and you're just the face of the Justice system. It was going to happen either way, no matter what you decided," Wriothesley explains. "Look, I'm not one to try and give motivational speeches but I'm here for you, okay?"

Neuvillette stares at him before crying harder, bringing the back of his hand to cover his mouth as he looks away. Wriothesley looks at him with his ears back, hoping he didn't say anything wrong. He goes to say something when Neuvillette wraps his arms around Wriothesley's neck and kisses him quickly.

Neuvillette places a hand in Wriothesley's hair, pulling it a small bit in his rush. "Thank you," Neuvillette sighs against him. "I do not know how to be in a relationship very well but I will try for you. I will give you everything Wriothesley if you promise to give it back."

Wriothesley breaks away from the kiss, pressing their foreheads together with closed eyes. "Absolutely. You're perfect, Neuvillette," Wriothesley smiles. He gives Neuvillette a quick kiss before rinsing himself off and washing his hair, Neuvillette watching him from his seated position.

"Alright, time for the best part!" Wriothesley says sarcastically. "Stand up for me, love. I need to clean you out," Wriothesley grabs under Neuvillettes arms to help him up. "Just lean against the wall and I'll take if from there."

Neuvillette does as told and they waste almost no time with the clean up process. Wriothesley gets out of the shower first, before extending a hand to help Neuvillette out. He wraps a towel around the elder and helps to dry him off before doing so for himself.

Wriothesley walks Neuvillette to the bed and has him sit on the edge. "Where do you keep your sheets?" Wriothesley asks.

"Down the hall and in the spare closet," Neuvillette answers. "I wish you would let me do something," Neuvillette pouts while watching Wriothesley tear off the sheets and blankets.

"Hm? Oh I don't mind. I told you I'd take care of you yeah?" He walks over to help Neuvillette stand up so he can continue. Once he is sure Neuvillette won't fall, Wriothesley changes the sheets and grabs Neuvillette some fresh clothes to put on. After helping the paler man into some casual clothes and Wriothesley throwing on a spare pair of boxers Neuvillette told him to use, they allay in bed.

Wriothesley is on his side, admiring the marks he left all over the man. Neuvillette is on his side as well, facing Wriothesley with his head in the younger males chest. "You left a great deal of them," Neuvillette says sleepily.

"Mhm. Red is a nice colour on you," Wriothesley teases. He places a hand on Neuvillettes hip, rubbing circles as they both drift to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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wriolette, chillette and neuvillette x zhongliWhere stories live. Discover now