"Master Yoda, the clones have betrayed us! Master Plo made it from Cato Neimodia and his dealing with them along with the guards and knights. Are you still on Kasshyyyk?" 

  "Mmm, yes Master Drallig. In hyperspace, I am, on Kashyyyk, I am not. The younglings, you must protect. Send everyone to Tython. Known to the Republic, it is not. A secret, we have kept." He said.

  "Yes Master Yoda." Drallig stated. "May the force be with you, Master." He said as he effortlessly deflected a blaster bolt that headed his way, reflecting it upon the diminishing clones within that temple room. 

 "The force, with you as well." Yoda said in a mystical sense before turning off his comm.

  Drallig sighed before looking around that temple room, noticing how there were no clones left within. He noticed Plo helping a knight who was shot in the arm sit down. Drallig then counted how many Jedi were in there. Within the temple there were roughly 10,000 Jedi, and many, many more throughout the galaxy. In the room there were about 40 Jedi, protecting 12 padawans, and 7 younglings. On the ground, scattered around the archive floors were a couple of dead Jedi.  Sadness filled the master as he felt their spirits pass through the force. One of the knights who survived was a Kel Dor. He saw Plo Koon walking towards her and remembered Plo Koon has a niece in the order. 

  Plo Koon, when he noticed his niece was in the room, a survivor, he rushed over to her and was glad that she was okay. 

  "Sha,  are you alright?" He asked in slight concern but a rush.

  "Yes uncle, but we need to escape. I overheard the conversation with Master Drallig and Master Yoda about where we need to go, he contacted him. Tython. No one knows where it is outside of the order." She explained, "Also, Huyang and the Crucible have landed a week ago, it is still docked here."

  Plo Koon smiled inwardly. "Good," he said queitly, but then raisedhis voice high enough for the entire room to hear, "Knights and guards. I praise your bravery, but this is not over, we need to save everyone within the temple, so I want 10 guards to come with Drallig and I, everyone else shall move swiftly to the hangars, board the Crucible, and wait,  protect it, we need to leave to Tython. I will give the signal when to leave. There are also a multitude of other craft within the hangars, including a few gunships, fighters, and some other Paladin's. My niece will be in charge." He exclaimed loudly and commandingly, earning cheers throughout the archives.

  He then noticed Master Jocasta Nu, the head librarian of the archives. Plo then speed walked towards her. When she noticed him, she turned to him and bowed. Plo did as well and said "Master Nu, it's good to see you are fine. I have a mission for you." He said.

 "Yes master?" She questioned. She knew it couldn't be anything to physical. Plo knew that as well.

  "I would like you to take two knights with you and download copies of anything and everything, and delete the originals, you also must take all of the holocrons, and taking those copies and holocrons with you to Tython." He explained. Master Nu nodded and she got two knights that she trusted to follow her and do as ordered.

  Plo then got his 10 temple guards along with Drallig to the next major battleground. The main hallway after the entrances. The clones that they had killed were a small group that got around the main battle and moved into the archives. The hallway was a much bigger battle, with hundreds of Jedi temple guards, knights, masters, and padawans. Thousands of clone troopers.

 Thousands of clone troopers

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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