The Mission(Peter S.)

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All of the Avengers( including or dearest Peter) had been told to come to a meeting by Fury. None of them expected what they had heard.

How the meeting went.......

Nick Fury had called the Avengers to a meeting on June 24th 2016 at noon. All the Avengers besides Tony arrived early or right on time. They waited 15 minutes before Tony finally showed up " fashionably late" resulting in a death glare from Nick Fury. Once everybody was seated Fury stood up and said," this meeting is for Peter Parker, who as we know is an official Avenger now." All the Avengers started cheering at this while Peter sat with a small smile on his face. Fury continued," its time to start sending him on solo missions." Everybody quieted and started sending death glares to Fury. Then Tony spoke up," you want to send my kid to a mission by himself, he's seventeen for pete's sake." Fury again continued," with all of your training and Peters background knowledge he'll be fine, also this is Peter's decision."

Tony then asked, "what do you wanna do Underoos."Peter replied, " I know everyone here is protective of me but I'm seventeen and I can handle myself." Peter gulped and replied," my decision is ...... I want to go Uncle Fury." Peter continued, " What are the details. "Fury just grinned for a second while everyone else was in a state of shock. Fury gained his composure, and started saying " the mission is 6 months to take a Hydra fort down 20 shield agents will accompany you, and no communication with the outside world allowed(including his fam) allowed. "Also the mission starts tomorrow and everything will be supplied I just need you and your suit kid. Fury then yelled, "Meeting Adjourned."
Everybody respected Peter's decision except Tony, who was just concerned, but kept it to himself.

That night was Avengers family night
Everybody got to know about his mission, including his mom(Pepper),all the kids( Harley Morgan Cassie Cooper Nathaniel and Lily). Everybody was excited and worried.

The following morning was a Saturday Peter packed his suit and said his goodbyes to the people he couldn't talk to or see for 6 months.
If Tony dropped a couple tears while hugging Peter goodbye nobody said anything.

Peters P.O.V

Peter was quite excited to be on this mission he was briefed on how he would get in, and who he would have to be "friends" with. He got onto the Sheild Quinjet and got ready for the journey ahead .

4 months later................

Peter Parkers p.o.v

I was really happy today, I had finished the mission 2 months early and was going to surprise everyone. Coincidently today was also a Saturday. Once he got back to New York, he briefed his uncle Fury about  the mission. Uncle Fury told me that the Avengers were on a mission, and the kids were in school. For this reason the compound was empty, so i went home changed up and ordered some takeout for everyone. I was feeling kind of tired 

30 Minutes Later.....

Tony Starks P.O.V

We got in from our recent mission. All the lights were out, and there was a shadowy figure laying on the sofa. EVeryone pulled out there weapons and aimed it at the person.I had J.A.R.V.I.S on the lights and there in all his glory was Peter Stark. Before he could walk an inch toward his. I had him engulfed in a tight hug,everybody joined in with us.

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