Chapter 12

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After staying at my mother's house for the night I went back to the hotel , it was still early in the morning around 5am , I told my mom before hand that I'll be going back so incase she search for me in the morning.
I walk around for the time being enjoying the fresh morning air and enjoying the fact that there's not many people, after taking a scroll , I went back to my hotel and had my breakfast there and went to my room , I open my door lock and before entering I heard someone call me;

Excuse me ;

Huh yes ?;

Pond - Phuwin

I was shocked to see Pond there and for a moment I nearly thought he followed me ,

Pond , what are you doing here?

Well , I stay next door , I didn't know that you stayed here , so before leaving I wanna say my goodbye to person next door and it turn out to be you ; pond said while straching the back of his head.

Ohh you're leaving?When ? ; I asked

Tomorrow ; Pond said

Oh okay safe journey Pond ; I said as I was trying to get inside

Pond : Wait Phu , can we talk ? ;

Phuwin : Sure , what do you wanna talk about.

Pond : can I come inside your room ?

Phuwin : o-oh sure, please come in.
So what do you talk about ?

Pond : well first of all , what are you doing here ?

Phuwin : hmm I came back to visit my family. ( I half lied the reason why I came here )

Pond : So , how did it go

Phuwin : it's good , me and my mother reconcile again , and i found out that my dad passed away 2 years ago

Pond : I'm happy for you that you reconcile with your mom and I'm sorry about your dad.

Phuwin : hmmmmm thank you

Pond : well Phu , can I ask you something personal.

Phuwin : hmm you can ( i answered feeling a bit of anxious)

Pond : can I ask why you ran away that day ?

Phuwin : i told I had work right

Pond : I know you don't, you just use that as an excuse to run away that day.

Phuwin : mmm was it obvious.

Pond : yeah , so can I know the answer.

Phuwin : I don't know, Phi , i myself don't know why I ran away.

Pond : is it , my sister thought i have done something wrong that's why you ran away from me.

Phuwin : sis-sister ?

Pond : yeah , she's my cousin sister , she just came back from America.

Phuwin : i see , ( I sigh in relief )

Pond : why , who do you think she was ...

Phuwin : well your gi-girl

Pond : my girlfriend ( he said while laughing while I just sit there feeling shy )

Phuwin : ........

Pond : since we're on this topic , can I ask you something again.

Phuwin : hmmm ( I just nod my head feeling to shy to speak up )

Pond : are you seeing anyone right now ?

Phuwin : n-no ( I was so shocked at pond's question )
And you.

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