This Looks Like It Could Hurt (1)

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Chapter 17: This Looks Like It Could Hurt (1)

The Kingdom of Anqua bordered the Empire in the north with a mountain pass separating the two territories.

Cale applauded the dark elves for their smarts. With the Torten soldiers on their heels, the dangerous mountains will slow the empire's side down. He wasn't too worried about the dark elves. They had magic on their side and the harsh conditions of the Caro Desert helped them gain some level of resistance to natural disasters.

The mountain range, called Shipperman's Wreck, was a giant collection of mountains that resemble a coral reef with the largest one in the middle having the vague form of a shipwreck, hence the name.

Two mountain paths must be crossed until Cale's group reaches the ship-shaped mountain, which they'll pass via a tunnel straight through the heart of the mountain, reaching the Kingdom of Anqua soon after.

It was a dangerous area as many bandits and outlaws made this range their home.

Their hired carriage will only take them to the foot of the first mountain. After that special carriages will take travelers through the pass.

What a bother, Cale thought with a sigh. Raindrops collided with the glass window Cale's head was leaning on. The soft drizzling noises made him sleepy. Ron and Vicross were sitting in the front, steering the horse. The rest took shelter with Cale in the warm inside of the carriage.

They traveled for two days with rain accompanying them since the last night. Ron estimated that they'll reach the first pass in a day or two, which should be enough time for the storm to rest. If not, things will get a bit more complicated.

However, Cale had a more significant problem at the moment.

"Human, I'm bored.", Raon was full of complaints. His tail hit the soft cushion impatiently and every other second, he flapped his wings and pouted angrily.

The kids didn't like the long journey with rain hindering them from stretching their limbs. Raon took it the hardest, whilst Ohn and Hong chose to sleep most of the journey. Raon wanted to explore the area.

"I am a mighty dragon! Nothing will harm me!", he tried to convince the adults but failed utterly.

Eruhaben just stared him down and sealed his fate with a stern, "No." Cale wasn't far behind and ignored the pleading look of the little dragon.

Raon huffed in anger that slowly melted into sleepiness when Cale started patting his scales. Not even ten minutes later they had three sleeping children and three amused adults in the carriage.

Choi Han looked outside the window. Another carriage passed them on the muddy road. Splatters of mud went everywhere, hitting wooden buildings and various other objects.

It seemed that in this part of Torten, far removed from the grandiose capital, the people had to become creative to survive in such a harsh region. Along the roads, they build their houses directly parallel to the streets, betting their meals and savings on travelers to buy their goods. There were no fields nor a forest in the area. Only a few houses every thousand meters.

A sad expression formed on Choi Han's face. Even now, with heavy rain hitting the ground, people were outside waving at the traveling carriages and acting like they didn't mind the rain or the mud that drenched them. Most carriages didn't slow down, some even sped up. Children and the elderly took shelter beneath wooden balconies while able adults did everything to catch the travelers' attention.

"Fresh beer!"

"We have dried meat! Just a copper for a few pieces!"

"Cloaks! Cloaks and hats!"

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