Discovering Kaishi (3)

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After Cale and the others left the busy street- and the little lady- behind, they met up with the rest of their group at a park at the end of the market. A beautiful park spans over at least a few hundred meters with many garden highlights such as a fountain and different picnic areas. Ron and Beacrox already started preparing a simple lunch at a remote part of the garden when Cale arrived.

He instantly picked up the bad mood Ohn and Hong were giving off. Their tiny kitten heads hang low with Hong even batting passive-aggressively at some flowers. Their eyes gained a bit of their light back when they saw Cale arriving, jumping on his lap to seek comfort the second after he sat down. He gave them both a few back pats until they calmed somewhat down.

Choi Han joined Cale at the picnic table and Eruhaben sat down opposite from Cale. Soon Ron and Beacrox joined them as well and they started their meal. A simple roasted sandwich with a salad as a side dish. More than enough as they'll eat with Roshi and the others to dinner later anyways.

Ron started by sharing their observations.

"Young master, we went to the harvest area to restock our inventory using some coins we gained thanks to the friendly nature of the people nearby." Cale interpreted his story as 'We took some money from unsuspecting and stupid people. It's their own fault for not noticing that we stole from them which is why we won't return any.', but he didn't comment as Cale knew that Ron wouldn't steal too much.

Also, he already did the same so he can't judge anyways.

Luckily, Eruhaben was able to analyze the currency of this place after they liberated some funds yesterday and his copies may not be one hundred percent alike to the original, however, they were similar enough to fool most people. Their money needs were solved for the time being at least.

"The market is divided in shopping areas for household items, cooking ingredients and also fashion. We strictly went to the harvest area where most of the poor or average people went to.", the trusty butler continued with his tale. This didn't surprise Cale as which rich household would go to the vegetable and fruit section themselves when they just can get their slaves or subordinates to go?

The rich area he and his group went to was the complete opposite with many young nobles piling around the shops. Nobles that were dressed more in fashion than actually practical clothes met with acquaintances at the restaurants there. The shops were all high quality. This area was clearly designed for the rich and only for the rich.

To gain information, Ron must have been luckier than them.

"In the middle of the spices and raw meat, we found a slavery business.", Ron's voice didn't change, he still sounded as friendly as always. As cruel as the slavery business was, Ron had seen worse. Cale frowned at the information. He got Ron's hint about his observation, Choi Han frowned as well but his anger was directed at the fact that slavery was a common practice.

Selling slaves near some basic ingredients speaks about their low worth, something Cale finds suspicious as he saw firsthand how some slaves are treated more like concubines than actual slaves. That was at least the impression Cale got while the little lady in the shopping district tried to unknowingly acquire a dragon.

This can mean only one thing. The ex-commander voiced his suspicion.

"Either they are sick or damaged, maybe even secondhand slaves that already went through at least one master-", Cale looked at Ron who smiled a shallow smile at his young master's thoughts, "-or they are deemed less important because they aren't classified as human." At this Choi Han jerked his head up and stared at Cale with disbelieving eyes, hoping somehow that Cale will deny his own observations.

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