Discovering Kaishi (2)

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The atmosphere in the tavern wasn't bad.

Waitresses in short dresses walk around carrying what looks like half of their body weight in beer, while the tables were filled with various men and women. Alcohol flowed like a water, actually, Cale can't spot any drink that wasn't beer. Do they even have wine?

Cale and the others are sitting with the completely unbothered Roshi and his companions at a table near the wall, far at the other end of the tavern. To leave they'd have to cross all the other tables plus the bar area. It's a strategic position to scout new arrivals as the people sitting there wouldn't appear as weird when they look towards the entry.

The red-head's companions had various colorful reactions as well- Luckily, this is a tavern and not a noble meeting because the gaze Choi Han was throwing at some people would have gotten them kicked out. Ron and Beacrox's obvious distaste towards the state of cleanliness of the tables spoke volumes as well.

Actually, one of Roshi's companions was trying to murder the unimpressed assassin-duo with their toxic gaze alone. It was a lovely girl- Cale doubts the word lady would fit her- with pretty brown hair and an innocent face. Contrary to her angelic face the attitude she displayed in the last minute alone spoke of a haughty and strong individual.

'Vicious', Cale just thought and decided not to mess with the fierce girl.

Other than Roshi and the unnamed girl, there were four other people. Two of them appeared basic and without special features, Cale won't dismiss them, yet the other two are far more interesting.

Roshi noticed their interested gazes and realized that he never introduced them. Taking one last gulp of his drink, the older man started the introduction.

"Ah, right. Well, I'm Roshi, expert in combat and a traveling mercenary when needed. Next to me are Finn and Rowan, our resident alcoholics. I tell you, never stand between them and their drinks.", Roshi mock whispered to them in a comedic fashion while introducing the friendly duo of elderly men. Finn, probably the slightly older one with a small scar near his eye-brow, elbowed Roshi while waving at the newcomers. Rowan greeted them a bit more calmly and only nodded at them with a friendly smile on his face.

Next Roshi introduced the only girl of the mismatched group.

"This is Fiona. She is not a mercenary-", Roshi ignored the shout of "I am totally a mercenary!" and continued unbothered, "-yet at least. She's a fierce firecracker and daughter of the tavern owner." Cale nodded in greeting towards the teen. This at least explain her hostilities as she probably saw Beacrox's frown and interpreted it right.

"Fiona helps around the area as well as in the tavern. Most of the time we take her along to see the outside when we are just gathering common ingredients like herbs for the guild." The girl instantly changed her expression and puffed out her chest in pride.

Cale noticed it a while ago but the other tables were throwing them looks all the time and he can't imagine that it's just because of Cale and his group. Fiona's reaction confirmed his guess. Roshi and the mercenaries he's acquainted with must be well known. Hmmm, maybe he can use the lucky encounter to his own benefit.

They should be wealthy if they have a good reputation?

Roshi didn't notice Cale's suddenly very interested gaze. Eruhaben on the other hand recognized the look. He saw it many times now and also witnessed the same exact look when Cale and Raon first visited him. Holding back a sigh, the incognito dragon just continued staring at the interactions.

"Now we have our dear leader and his trusty side-kick.", laughter filled the table while the last two members gave Roshi affronted looks.

"First is Silvio, our leader.", Roshi pointed to the man on the left. He looks to be in his late twenties or early thirties and has messily combed back turquois hair and yellow eyes. A friendly smile on his face spoke of an extroverted personality. He didn't look like someone Cale wanted to associate with.

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