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doctor came in the morning

doc-we are gonna move pierson to other room, bc we're gonna run some tests

br-thank you so much again

doc-of course

they moved pierson and brent was left alone

br-(what if she didn't move? will they turn off the electronics? i don't want her do die)

his eyes started tearing up again
after an hour the nurse came to brent



nu-can you please come with me?

brent came with nurse to the room where pierson was

doc-so we did some research


doc-i'm so so sorry brent. she didn't move

br-no, no, no, no she moved!! i swear to god

doctor nods with his head

br-did you run the tests correctly?

doc-yes 100%. we even did it twice, just to make sure

brent starts crying again

doc-she won't wake up brent. we will turn the electronics tomorrow morning. so today all of her family and friends can say goodbye to her

brent was in such a shook he couldn't breath. he sat on the floor and bailed his eyes out

doc-i know this is the hardest thing in your life, but we can't do anything. i'm deeply sorry

the nurse went with brent back to his room and doctor moved pierson back.
when brent calmed down he called his and pierson's familly and her closest friends
everyone came really fast
they talked to pierson a bit and cried

la-i'm so sorry brent

she was crying too and hugging him

everyone left just maddie, logan and lexi rivera stayed

ma(maddie)-brent, we can stay the night if you want

br-it's okay. get some sleep. i'm gonna text you all when they...umm...

his eyes started tearing up and they all went to hug him
everyone said one last goodbye to pierson and hugged her

lo-do you think she hears us

br-i really hope so

ma-i'm sure she does

they left and brent was crying again until he fell usleep. but something was weird. he heard someone calling his name....


i'm so sorry for not posting a part yestrday. i wasn't home the whole day and i didn't have time. mabye, i'm not sure, i'm gonna post another part today
hope you like it

love youuu <3


Mine forever - briersonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя