22. Unforeseen Diagnosis

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Bora awoke to the shrill ring of her phone, its digital numbers casting a faint glow across the darkened room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she fumbled to answer. It was Dr. Jongseong Park, her family's physician.

"Emergency," he said without preamble. "You need to come to the hospital immediately."

The urgency in his voice sent shivers down her spine, and she didn't waste a moment. Without bothering to eat breakfast or change out of her pajamas, she hailed a taxi and sped toward the hospital.

When she arrived at the sterile, fluorescent-lit hospital room, Doctor Park was waiting for her with a grave expression. He guided her to sit down, his voice measured. "Bora, I have some concerning news. Did any of your family members ever have the same illness that your brother had?"

Bora's voice quivered as she replied, "No, only my brother had it."

Doctor Park sighed, his eyes fixed on her. "I'm afraid you've tested positive for the same condition. It's a hereditary ailment. There's no cure, only an expensive surgical procedure to remove it, which is rarely an option for most people these days."

The room seemed to spin around her. Was this some cruel form of karma for the guilt she carried about her brother's fate? She couldn't fathom how to break this news to her family and friends. The weight of it all pressed down on her chest, making it hard to breathe.

Doctor Park's voice brought her back from her thoughts. "I know it's overwhelming, but try not to worry too much. We'll manage this together. Regular check-ups will be essential—every two weeks."

Bora nodded, her eyes moist with unshed tears. She knew this was a life-altering diagnosis that she couldn't keep to herself. But for now, she had to face the reality of her situation and find the strength to share it with her loved ones.


Bora left the hospital in a daze, the weight of the diagnosis still heavy on her shoulders. The bustling city outside seemed surreal, disconnected from her newfound reality. She needed time to process everything.

As she sat in a nearby park, she pondered how to share this dreadful news with her family and friends. Her thoughts swirled in confusion. The illness that had claimed her brother now threatened her own well-being, a haunting reminder of the past.

A message from her best friend, Hana, lit up her phone. "Hey, Bora! We haven't seen you in a while. Is everything okay? Let's meet up soon!"

Tears welled in Bora's eyes as she contemplated how to reply. She needed her friends now more than ever, but she couldn't bear to burden them with her dire circumstances. Instead, she typed a vague response, "I've been under the weather lately, but I'll be fine. Let's meet up soon."

With that message sent, she hailed another taxi and headed back home. The familiar surroundings of her room provided little comfort. Bora felt isolated, caught in a relentless storm of emotions.

Weeks passed, and Bora grudgingly settled into a routine of regular check-ups with Dr. Park. She masked her pain and fear behind a brave smile, not wanting anyone to pity her. It was during one of these visits that Dr. Park asked about her support system.

"Have you shared your diagnosis with your family and friends?" he inquired gently.

Bora hesitated but eventually nodded. "I've told them about my condition, but they don't fully understand the gravity of it. I didn't want to worry them too much."

The doctor regarded her with a knowing look. "Remember, Bora, you don't have to face this alone. Your loved ones will want to support you. Sharing your burden can often lighten it."

His words stayed with her as she left the hospital that day. She knew he was right, but fear still held her back. It wasn't until one evening, while she was having a video call with her friends, that the truth spilled out.

With her heart pounding, she finally confessed the extent of her diagnosis. Tears streamed down her face as she recounted her family's history with the illness and the daunting future that lay ahead.

Hana, Minji, and Niki listened in shocked silence. The weight of her revelation hung heavily in the air. Then, slowly, their expressions shifted from shock to unwavering support.

Hana spoke first, her voice laced with determination. "We're here for you, Bora. No matter what happens, you won't face this alone. We'll help you find the strength to fight it."

Minji nodded in agreement, and even Niki, who had always been the playful one in the group, offered heartfelt words of encouragement.

"Have you told Jungwon about it?" Niki asked curious,

Bora hesitated "No, not yet.. But I will tell him." she looked down.

In that moment, Bora realized the true value of her friends. Their unwavering support and genuine care gave her the strength to face her diagnosis with courage. And, although her journey was fraught with uncertainty, she knew she wouldn't be traveling it alone.

If you'd like to continue the story or make any specific changes, please feel free to let me know.


Heyyy, short chapter today. School started y'all. That means not spoiling you with chapters anymore ;(

I'm sorry for not writing for some days. I promise I will write more! :)

Lots of love,


𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 || Yang JungwonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora