pt 5. the whole gang

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Yo! this is your author, hi, i wanted to say if you didnt like the last chapter, than thats not my fault, you either do or you dont

if you didnt like it, kindly tell me why.

if you did, again kindly tell me why if you would like to

you dont have to tell me, it's just that i'm a young writer, i'm only 14, and i would like to improve.

if anybody has any concerns/questions then feel free to ask, i will answer to the best of my abilty

thats all have a good day/night bye!


'this is getting annoying..' i sigh to myself

i can feel several pairs of groups following me

i know where each one is, but i would rather leave them be, just as long as they dont try to harm me in any way

i gently twirl some of my loose hair in between my fingers, reading a menu in my other hand

'it all sounds good..ugh! maybe i should just ask the waiter what he thinks?' i visibly sigh

a finger points at an option on the menu, i calmly look up

"the pulled pork is super good here! and so is the roast! oh! and the steak!" a pink haired woman next to me keeps pointing at the menu, droolling in the process

i nod with each suggestion "right ok, maybe i'll try this?" i point to the menu, i look back up to her

"ooooo! that one is soooo good!" she nods in agreement, a smile on her face

i put out a hand for her to shake "i'm y/n, and you?" i ask with smile

she takes my hand "the names jewelry bonny! nice to meet 'cha!"

she takes the seat next to me, throwing her legs up on to the table, arms behind her head as she leans back

"i saw what you did to that celestial dragon down the street, pretty wild" she looked at me with one eye open, a smirk on her lips

"he hurt a citizen, and attempted to hurt me, i was not gonna let that stand" i told her

"right, but he is also from a high class fancy pants group of people, the government is gonna be after you for that" she said

i give her a smile "no, they wont be, because they know who i am, and you clearly don't" i look down to the menu again

"ok, well then who are you?" she asked. now sitting in her chair criss cross, elbows on her knees, hands together

"all you need to know is that i'm y/n, my back story isn't your business" i told her

she sits there dumb founded, a waiter comes by, i give him my order "well that doesn't help..." she mumbled

"hey how about you join my crew, i saw what you can do, your strong, i could really use someone like you on my crew!" she asks, as she puts both her hands on the table

"no thank you" i kindly tell her

my food arrived, i gave the waiter a thankful nod

"ok ok! but hear me out! i'm gonna be the pirate ki-!" she pleaded

"no, luffy is" i told her bluntly

"who is luf-? oh! that other wannabe pirate, right, yeah no, that squirt is so small, i bet he couldn't beat me if he tried" she has some self confidence i will admit

i calmly stand up, sighing, kinda annoyed

while she was going on about how much weaker he was, i slipped away, heading for the front to pay

My own dreamscape (one piece x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora