PT 3. farewell strawhats

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"the next island is the sabaody archipelego! we should be there in about an hour so get ready!" nami shouted out to the crew and me

"yay! an island! finally some land!" ussop shouted

everybody went off in their own direction, i didnt really bring anything with me, so i just got changed

after i was done, i sat on the railing of the ship, facing out towards the sea

i closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of the fresh ocean breeze

i felt someone staring at me so i looked over, to see it was nami, she panicked "i-um! omg!" she covered her red face with her hands

she backed up "sorry" she mumbled

"you dont have to be sorry? here come sit with me" i smiled to her

she hesitantly sat with me

"i realize i havent gotten to talk to you very much, so how are you?" i asked her

"oh, well, um, i-i'm ok i guess" she stumbled over her words

i looked at her, her face was very red "are you ok? your face is all red, maybe your getting sick?" i asked her

"no no! i'm fine! i promise" she looked away

"um ok, but if you are sick you should go check with chopper" i told her

"i'm not, its just really hot out here" she still wouldnt look at me

"really? huh, its kinda breezy out here in my opinion" i said confused, but i let go of the topic

"oh nami, luffy told me you hit him all the way to my sky island, so what happened?" i asked her

"he was just being an idiot, he raided the fridge again" nami said now completly recovered

"oh i see" i smiled

"um, well, i'm gonna go, bye y/n" she hopped off the railing, she waved to me

"bye nami" i waved back

i watched her walk away, now noticing robin outside the kitchen door watching us

nami walked over to her and they started talking

i get off the railing to walk to the front of the ship

i jump up on the figure head to take a look ahead

in the far distance i could see sabaody in all its glory

i went to the kitchen "hey sanji, could i get a snack from the fridge?" i asked while walking through the door

"of course y/n-chwan!" he did a noodle dance

"i made you a drink!" he handed me some type of tropical drink

"oh thank you sanji" i took a sip while eating some random food from the fridge

he walked outside

i sat at the counter, my head resting in my hand

i was just enjoying my drink, then the ship started shaking, i grabbed my drink with both hands to make sure it wouldnt fall over

i walked over to the window, i had to make sure we arent being attacked

when i didnt see any enemys, i sat back down

when i finished my drink i put the cup in the sink

i walked outside

"hey guys what was up with the shaking earlier?" i asked

they turned around "oh hey y/n!" luffy waved with a bright smile

i waved back, then turned to the others, only to see two unfamilier people "oh, who might you be?" i asked curiously

"hi! i'm camie!" the mermaid said with a wave

"oh nice to meet you, i'm y/n" i smiled

i talked with camie and her pet star fish for awhile, then went up to luffy who was sitting on the edge of the ship

"hey lu, whatcha doin?" i asked while walking over

he looked over his shoulder, he smiled "fishing! look!" he showed me the fish he caught

"aww~ it's so tiny" i said

he started pouting "yeah" he lifted it up to look at it

"we should let him go" i tried reaching for the fish

he jumped off the railing "what!?! no! he is my dinner!" he yelled as he protected the fish

"but luffy he is too small" i pointed out

he looked at it again "i guess so" he put a hand to his chin in thought "oh! i know! he can be a midnight snack!" he cheered

while he was thinking i snatched the fish "no he wont! i'm letting him go" i was already walking back to the railing

"huh? wait, what!? how did you get him!? wait no! my snack!" he ran over to me trying to get the fish back

i expertly evaded him, making him fall face first "oops! sorry" i snickered

he got up running to me

i threw the fish over the railing back into the water "AAHHH! NO MY FOOD!!" he fell to his knees crying

"drama queen" i said while giggling

"anyways luffy, i wanted to tell you, i'm gonna be leaving now" i said with a smile

he stopped crying, he jumped to his feet "but you cant leave yet! we arent even that close to the island yet!" he pouted "plus i might never see you again!" he was upset

several people came out on to the deck from luffy's shouting

"hey dont worry luffy, i'll see you again, i promise" i gave him another smile, i walked over to the railing, i jumped on it "but for now, goodbye lu" i saluted before falling backards off the ship

he ran to the railing, along with a few others

i wasnt there "where did she go??" he questioned

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