𝟎𝟎𝟖; capture the flag

Start from the beginning

Loralai slowly walked past him, patting his back twice. "Good luck with Clarisse, you seem to really like her," she said sweetly. Chris smirked. "Yeah, I do," he said under his heavy breath, blushing. Loralai grinned at him, he was down bad.

The head counselor called a break just in time, everybody swarmed to the drinks cooler. People all around soaked themselves in ice water, Loralai saw Percy do the same and raised a brow curiously. Would that give him an unfair advantage? According to her theory, yes.

Loralai took a sip of the remaining water, letting the cool liquid soothe her burning throat. She hissed and grabbed her head, shakily taking a seat near where Percy and Luke were practicing before. 

To her luck, Luke announced that he would be doing a demo in the exact place. A few of the campers around her asked if she was okay, she just told them she had a migraine and they left her alone. Everyone gathered around, smiling on their fast.

"Now, I'm going to demonstrate a disarming technique," Luke declared loudly. Loralai's head throbbed harder at the noise and she winced quietly.

The counselor explained that he would show them how to twist the enemy's blade with the flat of your own sword, so that they had no choice but to drop their weapon.

"This is difficult," Luke stressed. "I've had it used against me. No laughing at Percy, now. Most swordsmen have to work years to master this technique."

Whistling filled Loralai's ears, she managed to look around to see if anyone else had heard it, no one did. Slowly, her hands trailed to her crucifix.

Luke demonstrated the move on Percy in slow motion. Sure enough, the sword clattered out of his hand. "Now, in real time," the older boy said, after Percy had retrieved his weapon. "We keep sparring until one of us pulls it off. Ready, Percy?"

Percy nodded, and Luke came after him. With each clang of the swords, the whistling in Loralai's grew louder, yet slower.

Somehow, Percy saw Luke's attacks coming, even managing to counter. Percy stepped forward and tried a thrust of his own. Luke deflected it easily, but Percy saw a change in his face. The blonde's eyes narrowed, beginning to press the younger boy with more force.

The surge of power Percy had once felt began to fade; he knew it was just a matter of seconds before Luke took him down. So he figured, what the heck?

Percy tried the disarming maneuver, his blade hitting the base of Luke's. He twisted, putting his whole weight onto the downward thrust.


As the sword dropped to the ground, the whistling stopped. Loralai let out a loud sigh of relief. Suddenly, her vision went blurry, like she was about to faint, but she didn't. Loralai shuddered. Why was it so cold all of a sudden?

Everyone was silent from shock, which didn't help the feeling that she was being watched. She scanned around, no one was paying any mind to her, they were all staring at Percy. Loralai had too much of a foggy brain to figure out why.

Hot breath breathed on her neck, she shivered again. "Loralai," the voice whispered, it sounded like a male, so deep she could feel it in her chest. Loralai tried to turn around. She couldn't, an unidentifiable force pushing her back. The voice tutted. "Patience," it said, letting out one final breath.

And then it was gone. Loralai could feel the heat of the sun again, everything was back to normal. Shakily, she stood up. "What happened?" She whispered, to no one in particular.

Someone replied, "You didn't see? Percy just disarmed Luke." Loralai blinked. The brunette zoned into the conversation. Luke's scarred face was grinning as he exclaimed, "By the gods, Percy, why are you sorry? Show me that again!"

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