Unheard Confessions

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A few hours later, they arrived at Coulson's house.

"Haven't been here in a hot minute, and you renovate the whole place?" May chuckled. "Completely changed the whole style."

Coulson glanced back with a grin. "Well, I was nursing a few broken ribs, so I decided to change things up. You like it?" He put down the groceries and picked up a knife. "I had the guest room painted in your favourite colour." He opened the few boxes that SHIELD sent here before their arrival.

"Oh, thank you," May said. "I assume you don't have a nursery?"

"Yeah." Coulson poked his head up. "The guest room is Skye's room now, I guess." He began dragging the box to the guest room.

"Uh, Phil?" He looked up to see May walking over with an amused smile. "I can do it."

"You'd do that?" Coulson watched with starry eyes as May picked up the box and carried it down the hallway. He sat down next to Skye. "She's so awesome." He sighed before beginning to open another box. "You sure are a lot of work, sweetheart."

Skye babbled happily as she played with her monkey.

After some maneuvering, the two adults made the room work after dismantling the bed and replacing it with the crib. Coulson stuffed all of Skye's new baby stuff in the dresser.

"We need to go clothes shopping tomorrow," May said as she finished tucking the mattress into the crib. "Do you have a SHIELD credit card?"

"They pay it off, so I guess," Coulson replied.

They stopped for a minute to watch the streets outside.

"I never noticed you lived so close to the kids academy," May commented.

"When you're a communications agent, you're supposed to have a house or an apartment close by in case you gain a new case or a kid in there," Coulson explained. "I house-shopped with Fury for this one. I liked it very much."

"Is Lola here?"

"Yeah. Unless we're getting a new car on SHIELD, we need to figure out how to put in a backseat."

"Is it safe just to hold her?" May asked. "Or put her in the middle?"

Coulson sighed. "Probably not."

"Holding her it is," May chuckled. "You think we should feed her?"

"The baby book Fury sent tells us to feed her with every meal and also sometimes in the middle of the night."

"Okay, I guess it's dinner time then." May walked out to the living room, where they had left Skye to play with some new toys on the carpeted floor.

She was babbling to the teddy bear with the name 'Mack' stitched on one foot as she held her monkey. Coulson came out to where May was and smiled as he watched the girl laugh.

"I'll make dinner," he said.

"Oh good, I'm not that good at cooking."

"I know," Coulson replied, chuckling. "That's why I offered."

May rolled her eyes and walked over to Skye, who spotted her and started directing her happy babble to May.

After dinner, Coulson finished up the nursery while May bathed Skye, and went to take a shower after a day of work and baby.

He got out of the shower to see May bouncing a worn-out Skye in her arms, staring lovingly at the child.

"Time to put her down, May," he said quietly, touching her arm to bring her back to reality.

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