Y/N's Plan

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Y/N's Plan:


Vice Admiral Jonathan smiled down at Roronoa Zoro. "Welcome to Navarone."

Other marines rushed out onto the balcony and quickly secured Zoro's wrists behind his back with a set of hard, wooden handcuffs.

"Half of you take that pirate down to the brig," Vice Admiral Jonathan instructed. "Don't forget to take his three swords with you. The rest of you, take those injured men to the medical ward."

Six of the marines hauled Roronoa Zoro to his feet and frog marched him back into the base while the seventh gathered up the swordsman's three swords and followed behind them.

Jonathan surveyed the six wounded marines that had fallen in apprehending the Pirate Hunter.

Lieutenant Matthew was unconscious and would be a large loss. The four men that had been with him were comatose as well. The sixth marine though, the one that had taken down the notorious pirate was still conscious. The young man was slumped against the railing with his hand held over the bloody eye that he'd gotten from the Straw Hat swordsman.

There were a thousand marines in Navarone so Jonathan couldn't recognize one instantly. The marine seemed tall and reasonably muscular which made sense because he was wearing the sleeveless uniform of Unit 55. The special combat unit. The marine had black hair with bangs that covered his left eye while his hand was pinned over his injured right eye.

Jonathan stepped off of the railing and addressed the heroic marine, "Well done, recruit."

"Thank you sir," the black haired marine replied. He raised his right hand and saluted which gave Jonathan a quick glimpse at his wounded eye. The blood had been smeared around and coated the young marine's eyebrows, eye and the side of his face. The gash responsible ran from the marine's brow, across his eye to the middle of his right cheek. The marine quickly clasped his hand back down over his wounded eye.

"That's a nasty injury you got there, recruit," Jonathan admitted. "What's your name, son?"

"Natsu, sir," the wounded marine answered, "Seaman Recruit Natsu from Unit 55. I'm in a great deal of pain, sir, so I can't do the chant now."

"That's alright Natsu," Jonathan reassured him. "It's not every day a marine catches a notorious pirate worth sixty million berries. I'll be sure to reward you for your courage, spirit and service."

"Oh, thank you Vice Admiral," Natsu responded. "But I'm only doing my duty, sir."

"Well my duty is to ensure the wellbeing of all the marines on this base," Jonathan stated. "That includes you. So let's get you to the medical ward and have that injury treated. Once you're well and able, come see me in my office. I'd like to hear about your encounter with Roronoa Zoro and I may have a promotion in store for you."

"Oh, thank you, sir!" Natsu exclaimed. "I'll do that, sir. Thank you very much, sir!"

Jonathan waved the two lingering marines over. The other five wounded marines had already been removed from the balcony and were on the way to the medical ward. The two marines helped Seaman Recruit Natsu up and draped his arms over their shoulders.

"Hm... Could this all be a coincidence?" Jonathan wondered as Natsu was helped to the door. "Better check up on this Natsu."

"By the way Natsu," Jonathan called out. "Should I have word sent to your wife that you were injured in the line of duty? I'm sure she'd also like to hear about your promotion."

"I... I'm not married, sir," Natsu told him.

"Oh, my mistake then," Jonathan remarked. "Don't let me hold you up any longer. Well done." Jonathan raised his hand and saluted the heroic young marine as he was mostly carried away.

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