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Off the coast of Sandy Island, Black Cage Hina and the remains of her crew were recovering while the three remaining battleships under Hina's command chased after the Straw Hats. But even Hina knew now that catching the Straw Hats was a moot point. The hard blow dealt to her forces by 'One Eye' Y/N, 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro, those monster seals, and the Okama ad his men would take a while for her to recover from. The worst part that she didn't have anything to show for it.

"That's right," Hina confessed over her transponder snail as she smoked a bitter tasting cigarette. "I didn't even manage to catch that Bon Kurei character's ship. Hina's disappointed."

"So you let them escape," the familiar voice of Commodore Smoker came over the snail.

"I had the Swan ship caught," Hina recounted. "But the Straw Hats that my lookout thought he saw were imposters. At first I thought that it was just a simple trick... but then two of the imposters turned out to be One Eye and the Pirate Hunter."

"They're a sneaky pair," Smoker remarked. "Back at Loguetown the two of them snuck right into our Marine Base and snuck back out just as easily."

"Yes, well, those two boarded my ships and laid waste to it and my Marines," Hina continued. "One Eye cut down my main mast and the Pirate Hunter cut up my cannons. One Eye had a group of Kung Fu Dugongs with him, the five of them took out about as many of my men as the two pirates."

"Your trained men lost to a bunch of seals?" Smoker questioned.

"They were well trained," Hina told him. "Their strength and speed was too much for my men to contend with. I tried to capture the two pirates myself but then that Bon Kurei character got involved. He insisted that I fight him but when I had him caught One Eye got involved. Did you know that he's in possession of Sea Stone?"

"He probably got it from Crocodile," Smoker reasoned. "That traitor had an entire cell made out of the stuff. One Eye out maneuvered Crocodile and orchestrated a jail break but then stayed behind while the rest of us escaped... that's probably when he got it."

"And that's not the worst part," Hina added. "One Eye, the Pirate Hunter, and his monster dugongs stuck around so Bon Kurei and his men could escape. Those two rode on the backs of two of the dugongs and sank five of my ships from the water before riding off after the other Straw Hats who had long since gotten away. Hina's failed."

"Running away is what those Straw Hats are best at," Smoker remarked. "And they never look back to see the damage they've left in their way."

"And let me guess..." a new but still familiar voice chimed in. "One Eye did it all with condescending casualness that made you doubt all your years of training and feel like an insignificant pest that had merely gotten in his way."

"That would be correct Lieutenant Commander," Hina replied.

"I hope my new arm comes with a built-in laser cannon or something," Devo stated, "because with the way One Eye and those other Straw Hats are getting stronger with each passing day... it'll take some incredibly advanced weaponry to take them down."

"That still might not be enough," Hina retorted. "Hina's angry."

"Angry at your own incompetence?" Smoker teased her.

"No, that's not it," Hina answered.

"MISS HINA!" an annoying voice called out. "WE'RE BACK!"

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