Vivi's Decision

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Vivi's Decision:


"Igaram I will!"Igaram stared at the skull featuring a blue ponytail and a small crown going around the base. "I will become Queen of the Pirates!" Igaram caped at the princess dressed in pirate garb. She a green spotted bandana to tie her long blue hair back and a purple pirate hat with an fancy pink feather and the aforementioned Jolly Roger on the front. She wore a red and white horizontally striped tank top and a long purple captain's coat draped over her shoulders. She had a tribal tattoo on her right arm and was wielding a pistol in one hand and a sheathed sword in the other.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Igaram screamed in terror. The Captain of the Royal Guard sat up and found himself in bed and still wearing his night clothe and night cap. It was early in the morning and the sky had just started lighting up. Terracotta's side was empty but Igaram barely paid it any mind as he tried to recover from the horrible nightmare.

A minute later Igaram was running down a hallway towards the Princess' room hoping against all hope that the Princess hadn't decided to become a fugitive. "VIIIVIII!" WHAM! Igaram burst into the Princess' room. "VIIIIVIIII!"

Igaram stopped in his tracks and stared in surprise. Vivi was standing in the middle of the room while her arms held out while Terracotta and Mana helped fit the Princess in a gown. The top half hung down by the dress portion while Terracotta tended to the corset that Vivi was to wear under the gown. The Princess' long blue hair fell freely down her back and chest. Ayako was I the corner picking out jewelry and other accessories from a chest.

"Oh, good morning Igaram," Vivi greeted him. "What's the matter? You're sweating?"

"Enough!" Terracotta scolded him. "Where are you manners? You can't just barge in here! The Princess needs her privacy! NOW GO!" Terracotta tugged on the ribbon that was lacing up the pale violet corset and made Vivi wince as it squeezed her.

"Please forgive me!" Igaram apologized. "I... uh... just wanted to say... uh... good morning..."

"Is that all?" Vivi asked.

"Uh no... I mean yes," Igaram stammered, still shocked that the Princess was still here instead of going to sea to become a pirate as she had in his nightmare.

"QUIT BLABBERING!" Terracotta snapped. "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?" KRAK! Igaram's loving wife threw a bowl and it hit him square on the forehead. "I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT!" When Igaram didn't immediately follow the order Terracotta threw more at him. A book, a pillow, a plate anything within arm's reach was thrown at the Captain of the Royal Guard until he stumbled out of the room and back into the hallway.

WHAM! The doors slammed shut and Igaram was left standing outside with a lump on his head.

"I guess it was my imagination..." Igaram reasoned. He turned around and spotted King Cobra staring out through one of the arch ways that were on top of the railings that lined the hallway. "Oh, your majesty! I didn't see you there. Good morning."

"Yes, good morning," the King returned. "You too, huh? Terracotta can be quite scary." Cobra turned to face Igaram and revealed that he was sporting a large lump as well.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Igaram exclaimed. "Try to say hello?" Like Igaram, the King had felt Terracotta's wrath when he had entered the Princess' room without permission.


Back in her room, Vivi let out a light groan and asked, "Terracotta... isn't this too tight?"

"This is how formal attire is supposed to fit upon a Princess," Terracotta informed her. Vivi was left struggling to breathe as the top of her dress was pulled up over her corset.

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