Chapter 71: The River of Stars for Pride's Sake

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Byro: Reiko Yagari. What are you doing here with the Earthland wizard? What has happened to Hughes and Sugarboy?

Reiko: Beats me.

Lucy: (I wonder if Natsu is okay? But, I can't leave this girl alone. Why is he after my keys?)

Byro: Hurry up and give me the key?

Lucy: (Sheesh, there is it! Eww, what a lecherous stare!) *Pulls out key* I won't give you this key!


Lily: Crumble to pieces!

Back to the lacrima, Fuuwa narrowly dodges a slash from Lily's giant sword. The attack however, destroyed a part of the lacrima island, nearly throwing off the Dragon Slayers and Happy.

Raiga: Wait, Gajeel!

Gajeel: What?

Raiga: I just thought of something, we shouldn't destroy the lacrima.

Gajeel: Huh!?

Happy: What are you saying?

Raiga: It would be far too dangerous to free everyone on a floating island where there's a fight going on. It's not just Fairy Tail, there's civilians trapped as well.

Gajeel: Then what do you suggest we do?

Raiga: How should I know!?

Fuuwa overhears what they just talked about.

Fuuwa: Yare yare dawa...

Lily: Take this!

Riding on Happy, Raiga intercepts Lily.

Fuuwa: Raiga!

Raiga: We can fight, too, you know?

Happy: Aye!

Hearing a sound, Lily moves aside as he and Raiga barely dodge a Dragon Roar from Gajeel.

Raiga: Hey! Watch where you aim!

Gajeel: I didn't hit either of you, did I?

(Back at the Amusement Park)

Lucy: Gate of the Giant Bull, I open thee! Taurus!

Lucy summons Taurus, who then looks back at her with a simping look.

Taurus: That outfit is the best ever, Lucy-san!

Reiko: ...-_-... So much for that cool entrance.

This however surprises Byro and Coco.

Byro: What's that!? A cow!?

Coco: (That's Earthland magic? But, he seems like a pervert...)

Taurus: What about my reward from before?

Lucy: Make this guy beg for mercy and I'll think about it! Go!

Taurus: Beg for mercy!

Taurus charges at Byro with his axe but Byro dodges it.

Lucy: He's faster than he looks!

Taurus: "Hii" ain't begging for mercy!

Byro: (But, how? She creates something from nothing at all? Preposterous! I cannot analyze it... How?)

Taurus jumps at Byro.

Taurus: Ready, set... Beg!

Byro: Impudent!

Byro throws a liquid that bursts into searing flames defeating Taurus in an instant.

Byro throws a liquid that bursts into searing flames defeating Taurus in an instant

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