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Monday, April 1st, 2024
Sakura High
8:30 AM

    Stella was standing face to face with her dream school: Sakura High. She hadn't even stepped foot through the gates but could already feel the excitement rushing through her veins. It was the first day and she was already very much prepared. She was wearing her uniform and had her suitcase in hand. She looked around for a bit without moving to take in the scenery. She then took a step forward about to enter the gates and—

Friday, March 29th, 2024
Stella's Bedroom
11:15 AM

    *BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* The sound of an alarm clock could be heard as Stella groaned to turn it off. "Ugh, what time is it?" Stella asked while reaching for her phone while still half-asleep. "11:15 AM?!" She said in shock before sitting up on her bed. "I need to get ready quickly! I don't want to be late!" She rushed out of bed before putting her slippers on to head to the bathroom. She had 45 minutes left before she would be in the air, and on her way to Japan.

    Jung Stella, currently 15 and about to be late for her flight to attend a prestigious boarding school, Sakura High! Her brother is currently attending the school and finally, after a year of hard work, she will be following as well. Sakura High is known to be the top International school there is and only the best of the best could get in. She had to convince her parents to let her apply and if she was late they would regret letting her go.

    Stella was getting ready in the bathroom and thinking about how this was the chance of a lifetime and she couldn't pass it up. She was nervous but she knew that her brother would be there as well to support her. She looked up at her bathroom mirror and thought for a second. 'I got this! It may be a new place with new people, but I can do this!' She thought about trying to pump herself up so that she wouldn't be so nervous about a new school. She finished up in the bathroom and headed back to her room.

    "Ok! All done!" Stella said before looking at her clock which read 11:30 AM. She had no time to do her whole routine and also had to put on the first things she saw, if she didn't she wouldn't be able to make it in time. "And just in time as well!" She then hurried out the door with her suitcase to head to the airport.

Friday, March 29th, 2024
Toudu Enterprise, London
11:20 AM

    There was currently a meeting going on discussing a business deal. Hibiki was sitting in for his Father who had to be somewhere else. He was tapping his fingers on the desk thinking about something while checking the time. He was getting impatient and wanted the meeting to end so that he could make his flight. "Now that, that is settled what do you say Mr. Toudu?" Someone had said which made him look up.

    "Since we're all in agreement, let's do it." Hibiki said, folding his hands and looking up at them. Hibiki Toudu, currently 16, is the son of a wealthy businessman who runs Toudu Enterprise. Toudu Enterprise has many headquarters across the world, including in London, Tokyo, Seoul, and The United States. Hibiki is also a second-year at Sakura High and one of the most well-known students. But he is currently in London attending a meeting in his father's place.

    The meeting soon drew to a close and Hibiki stood up causing everyone else in the room to stand as well. "Now, I have a plane to catch. I wish you all well." He said before bowing and leaving the room. He was on the top floor and had to head to the bottom. Once he was at the bottom he was handed his suitcase before leaving the building and getting in a car to the airport.

Friday, March 29th, 2024
London Airport
11:47 AM

    "Are you sure you have everything?" Stella's mother was nagging her daughter, worried for her safety. Patting her head, shoulders, and even her pockets. Her husband was trying to pull her away but had given up as there was no use in trying to. She then took a deep breath before speaking once again. "I'm just worried about you, Japan is a new unfamiliar place for you and I just want to make sure you are alright."

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