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HEY kid, I have a surprise for you,” Tony announces, poking his head into your room.

“You’re finally going to start knocking before you come in?” you ask in a deadpan tone without looking up from your book (Keeper of the Lost Cities: Everblaze).

Tony sighs. “You’re hilarious, Lexi,” he says sarcastically.

“Well, I try,” you grin, closing your book. “But really, what’s the surprise?”

He smiles and tosses you your mask.

“Um… Dad? You do realize you already recruited me, right? I went on a mission with you two days ago.”

“Just put on the mask and say hi.”

You look at him doubtfully, but slowly slide the mask over your face regardless. “...Hello?” you ask.

To your surprise, a display lights up, and the room is covered with flashing icons. “Hello, Miss Stark,” a British female voice says.

You push the mask up and look at Tony. “Wha… huh?”

“I made you your own AI. I thought that was obvious. Her name is AVIS, by the way.”


Tony smirks. “Short for Another Very Intelligent System.”

You grin, pulling the mask back down. “Hi, AVIS.”

“Hello,” she responds cheerfully.

“So… you’re my AI?”

“Yes, Miss Stark.”

You push the mask back up again. “Thanks, Dad.”

Tony smiles. “No problem, kid.”


It turns out AVIS wasn’t the only thing Tony made you.

After he told you about AVIS, he took you down to the lab where he revealed his other creation for you. Although, when he said he made a high-tech device that would help you in battles, you were expecting more than a sheet of metal laying on the lab floor.

“It’s called the Shooting Star,” Tony informs you.

“Uh… Dad? This just looks like a surfboard with a couple of soda cans attached to the end. Doesn’t really seem like something that will help me fight.”

“Okay, first of all, it’s not a surfboard. Second of all, those are not soda cans. Third of all, just have a little patience.” He shakes his head. “Your generation is so dependent on immediate gratification.”

You roll your eyes.

“AVIS, put the Shooting Star into flight mode."

“Yes, Mr. Stark,” AVIS says.

The soda can-like objects on the end begin to glow with what you recognize as repulsor energy. They rotate so the glowing end is facing the ground, and the Shooting Star begins to hover a couple feet above the ground.

“AVIS, put the Shooting Star into combat mode.”

“Yes, Mr. Stark.”

The repulsors turn so the glowing part is parallel to the front of the Shooting Star. You hear a high-pitched whine, and then energy shoots out of them, blowing a hole straight through the lab wall.

“Holy shit!” you shout.

Tony rubs his beard as he considers the hole. “Yeah… maybe we should’ve done this on the roof.”

You hear rapid footsteps, and Bruce’s head pops into the doorway. “I heard an explosion–” he stops mid-sentence as he spots the hole. “Tony, what did you do?”

“We blew a hole in the wall. Obviously.” You motion to the giant gap that’s pretty hard to miss.

“Testing out her tech,” Tony adds, jerking a thumb in your direction.

“That you made for me!”

“Only because somebody wanted to join the Avengers! You’re welcome, by the way.”

Bruce sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his right thumb and pointer finger as he shakes his head. “You know what? Just… forget I asked.”

As he walks away, you distinctly hear him mutter, “Jesus Christ. Starks.”

You and Tony look at each other, and, unable to help yourselves, burst into laughter.

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