Chapter 39

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On Christmas morning, a small snow fell in Xining Village.

Snow flakes melt as soon as they fall, leaving no traces, and only a few lucky people can see it.

Xu Yaya was one of the lucky ones. After she was woken up by the alarm clock, her first reaction was to check the socks on the pillow, but there was nothing.

Hearing a sigh, Su Yin sneered, but she just woke up and didn't want to talk much, and she was a little more cautious because of being slapped continuously.

Su Yin took a look at his cell phone, and rolled over the quilt at a quarter past eight: "I'm not going to have breakfast anymore. You call me when you come back after eating."

Xu Yaya no longer intends to get used to the reincarnation of this gangster. She has something to do in the afternoon. She bought a ticket to Nanshan City at 9:30 in the morning. She really has to wait until she comes back after dinner. A little bit, wouldn't it be delayed?

She simply walked to the window and opened the curtains "swish".

In the sunlight, she saw snowflakes.


Xu Yaya murmured to herself, and then violently said, "It's snowing!"

Most southerners love snow, and Su Yin is no exception. Her sleepworm flew away in an instant, almost crawling out of bed, rushing to the window, and squeezing Xu Yaya away.


The self-confessed high-quality Xu Yaya almost couldn't hold back the blast, she slowed down, and slammed Su Yin away, opened the window, and gently pushed--

Then, she received the most wonderful gift from Santa Claus.

In fact, "Santa Claus" had already returned to his room to make up his sleep due to excessive consumption. Before going to bed, he didn't forget to brag in front of Xie Fei, "I thought I could freeze the sea with one finger back then, stomping it was a mountain collapse... ..."

"Yes, yes, you can make a one-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-mile battle." Xie Fei didn't believe it in his heart. After all, Yu Li described his original shape and couldn't be objective. The filter might be as thick as a ten-story building. But he still coaxed for a long time, until the other party closed his eyes tiredly and his breathing gradually stabilized.

Xie Fei held his chin and looked at Yu Li's sleeping face. After a long while, he smiled slightly, "Thank you, Santa Claus."

After confirming that Yu Li was sleeping well, he left lightly and turned to Lu Xiping-the other's peach-like eyes were bloodshot at the moment, and he knew that he hadn't rested all night.

"Where is Doctor Zhao?" Xie Fei asked.

Lu Xiping rubbed his face, "Let him go back to the room and rest for a while."

"Or you can take a rest, I'll help you watch." Xie Fei said thoughtfully: "Don't worry too much. My brother said that Grandma Lu is fine, so she must be fine."

"How could you not be worried?" Lu Xiping subconsciously wanted to touch the cigarette, then realized that it was in the small building, then put down his hand, and asked casually: "What's going on outside, it was noisy just now."

Xie Fei thought for a while, "It is estimated that the guests saw snow."


Xie Fei hesitated and nodded.

"My grandmother likes snow the most. When I was in good health, she would take me to ski every winter." Lu Xiping smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately she is still sleeping."

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