Chapter 33

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Looking back at her eighteen years of life, Xie Fei was most embarrassed than playing hide-and-seek in elementary school. Unfortunately, Ban Hua took off his pants when climbing a ladder, showing a glaring face in front of a group of friends. However, compared to this moment, what is it, after all, he was underage at that time!

Because of being too ashamed, Xie Fei's thinking was frozen, and he could not withdraw his hand in the first time.

He was stunned, feeling cold on the top of his head, as if being blown by the yin wind, and then he heard the sound of frost and cold that seemed to be frozen by ice for ten thousand years, with gnashing teeth: "Hand, take, open."

Xie Fei hurriedly retracted his hand and shrank into the corner. He found that Yuli's facial features were a little distorted-because the face of the bearded man at the moment was even a bit hideous.

The word "pill" kept echoing in his mind, Xie Fei just wanted to hug her weak self.

However, the tragedy didn't happen. I don't know if the pain was excessive and caused weakness, or considering that there were two other uninformed persons in the car, Yu Li just closed his eyes and inhaled one after another. The breathing rate was faster than usual.

Xie Fei waited for a long time, but before the fury came, and no one in the car spoke, his thoughts inevitably spread again.

The palm of his hand was a little hot, Xie Fei turned his head and looked out the window uncomfortably. There was no view of the road at night, except for the dangling street lights.

However, even staring at the street lamp couldn't restrain his association in the direction of disharmony.

In fact, it's really a bit too talented, and I can't see it at all. Xie Fei commented secretly with a bit of enthusiasm. He didn't know if the development of the demon was better than that of the human, or it was due to the original form.

Thinking of the original shape, Xie Fei's heart moved.

He observed Yu Li through the reflection of the car window and saw that the other party was still maintaining the same posture, so he secretly took out his mobile phone, logged in to the search page under cover, and quickly typed a line of words.

In the next second, millions of search results were displayed on the page, and Xie Fei clicked one blindly, and someone answered like this--

The ocean is respected by the blue whale, which is 2.4 meters long.

The land is headed by elephants and can be 2 meters long.


It doesn't feel much like it.

He also wanted to expand his knowledge and found that the car had already entered Xining Village.

On the way back from the garage to the inn, Yu Li took the lead, and the other three followed carefully.

Xie Fei saw that Yu Li stepped so far, he couldn't help but let go of his heart. It seemed that everything was fine...

When he arrived at the inn, Yu Li kicked open the fence gate, attracting the suspicion of the guests in the front yard.

He kept his eyes straight and went straight forward, Xie Fei had to stay and apologize with a smile, while Ah Fu looked like weeping, full of sadness: "The boss is so angry, I am afraid that I will not see the sun tomorrow. , Please let the little one call you master again. May you enjoy immortality forever, and your longevity and heaven."

Xie Fei: "..."

He felt that the pot was mainly his own, so he comforted Ah Fu: "Don't worry, wait for me to check the situation. If there is nothing serious, you can turn around and admit your mistake."

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