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Xelith finished her burger and finished Annethyma's drink for her and headed off.
"Can we have a recap of the plan when we get home?" Xelith said as he looked up at Annethyma as they were walking.
"Fine, but you better memorise this because if you get something even a little bit wrong we'll be sent to the surface!" Annethyma hissed at Xelith.
"Sorry...I shouldn't of asked in the first place." Xelith expressed shamefully.
"No it's better to be brave emo to know than to be too scared to ask and ending up on dry land." Annethyma replied with what Xelith hoped was a hint of regret for raising her voice a bit.
They walked in silence as the freezing temperatures of the outside waters seemed to seep in through the large abyssal dome covering the city.
Xelith's claw on each foot clicked against the ground as Annethyma's hooves clacked as the kept their steady pace up.
They turned around a corner to see a large party in the street.
"For the love of Gaia do we have to pass through there?" Xelith groaned.
"Yes. Yes we do." Annethyma replied.
"Are there seriously no other options?" Xelith said desperately.
"No." Annethyma said bluntly.
Xelith reached for Annethyma's hand so they wouldn't get separated in the crowd.
As they made their way through the crowd Xelith stuck closely behind Annethyma as the loud chats of the other Aphei infiltrated his auditory sensory chamber...Ahem I mean ears, he wanted to block out the voices but that would be mostly impossible so he simply clung for dear life. A.K.A Annethyma's arm.
The bright orange and the yellows of the street lanterns seemed a bit over bearing, he didn't see why people liked these large street get togethers because you could barely hear who you were talking to because everyone else tried to speak louder than you so they could be heard as well.
Eventually (and surprisingly) they made it to the other side without getting separated.
He wondered how many loyalists were in there if they realised who they were would they report him and Annethyma?
He didn't get loyalists...who would support a broken authority who cares little for their citizens and more about how many adornments they can fit on themselves, but there was the more modest of the six members of the the broken authority, Valyndal.
Valyndal had a sweet aroma and resembled a pink lion fish with their venomous spines and fins.
Valyndal was the complete opposite of Zalthal and X'htelore, they just lay around all day! At most X'htelore would do some work but zalthal just lazed around! The two were so dependent on each other that their main cities connect and their place spirals into one like an old ink pen or two corals growing around each other, their 'room' was at the very tippy top on a globe were they spent most of their time doing nothing which infuriated Annethyma and disappointed Xelith.
"Why do the 2 and 3 do nothing despite having so much power?" Xelith inquiried.
"It's because they're no good Seaslugs who are so over ridden with sloth that they sleep." Annethyma replied whilst hissing.
"But why are they so sluggish?" Xelith replied.
"I...I don't know, Xelith." Annethyma admitted.
"All we need to know is that the loyalist are as brainwashed as bait following an anglers glow." Annethyma added.
Xelith and Annethyma looked at each other in silence for a moment and eventually continued on, leaving the fancy, loud party's far behind them, making their way back to their appartement which felt very far but was really just around the corner of the street party.
As the music and chatting grew quieter and the atmosphere colder as they drew nearer to the appartement they noticed less and less passer-by's around the area, no wonder really as it was practically an abandoned ghetto.

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